Chapter 15

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Luke's POV

October 21st. 10 days before Halloween, 10 days after Kris' birthday and 11 days before Francis' birthday. Currently the present day, a school day and my birthday. I wasn't a fan of my birthday much like many others because it was stupid and boring but, at the same time, I was a fan of my birthday. It's the day a legend was born (me, of course). The day another millionaire was born (soon to be billionaire). The day where the most awaited party of the year takes place (some even say it's better than the Fourth of July and I, of course, agree with this).

But today of all days I wasn't feeling the birthday and party giddiness. My family and I still hadn't recovered from my outburst a week ago. My father left every time I entered the room thus causing my mother to sigh or groan in dismay. My sister didn't even look my way and I noticed that she was trying to avoid me at all costs. My mother and Jax spoke to me as if everything was fine but, I could see the hidden sadness behind my mother's eyes every time she spoke to me and that pained me.

And Kelsey...

Kelsey wouldn't speak to me or even look at me. She would avoid me at all costs and just like my father she, would desperately try to leave the room if I was in it. every time I looked her way, she would already be looking at me with a deeply carved frown. I found myself wanting her to forgive me more than anyone else in my family. It was inadequate really.

The feeling of rage and emptiness had stuck with me all week and day, in school even when people were wishing me happy birthday and promising to come to my party tonight with a present. It still stuck when all of my fans all over the world wished me a happy birthday.

I sat on a comfortable chair, looking out at the October glow and the clouds swirling together. I fixed the collar of my dark coloured jacket, my hazel eyes scanning through the magazine in my hand. I flipped through a magazine and tore out a couple of pages with my face on it and the latest scandal surrounding me. I gripped the gold lighter and burnt the papers. I wasn't having a good day at all.

"Why are you moping about on your birthday?" My sister's voice knocked me out of my trance like state.

"I'm not moping." I rolled my eyes at my sister's accusation. I wasn't moping. I was just sitting, burning things. That wasn't moping about.

"I got you something."

I gazed at the burning flame that was about to touch my fingertips. I felt a cold breeze of air pass by and the flame went out speedily. "Why? You know you don't have to-"

"Well, I wanted to! It's your eighteenth!" My sister made a move to stand in front of me. I chuckled and dropped the lighter on the glass table and the burnt up paper. She handed me the gift and a raised a brow at the neatly wrapped box. For all the years I had known her I knew she was terrible at wrapping. It was probably the one thing she couldn't do.

"You wrapped this yourself?" I looked up at her with a lopsided smile. I noticed my sister had her phone out and was, what I assumed her to be doing, videoing everything.

"Yes! Open it!" I undid the bow and tore open the wrapping carefully. My eyes widened and my mouth dropped, "I got you a fidget spinner because you're always so stressed and moody." My fingers ran over the gold coloured fidget spinner and a large smile graced my lips.

"I'm not supposed to be ungrateful but you sure do know how to buy presents don't you?" I chuckled loudly, she had easily lifted my spirits.

"You really think that's your gift?"

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