Warnings + Awknowledgements

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Dedicated to those who want to be loved and to the beautiful girl that inspired me to write this.

~Strong language
~Panties may drop *winks*
~Sexual content
~MANY TYPOS (will not be corrected until after book is complete)
~British slang (BEWARE)
~Anything said about religion or beliefs is not meant to be in any offensive way.

I only accept constructive criticism and I enjoy reading your comments very much. 🖤

Luke Brooks now has a playlist on Spotify. Follow Sadia Kaiser on Spotify and you'll find the playlist. It's filled with songs he'd listen to and some songs I (as the author) listened to that inspired me when writing certain chapters.

Thank you for choosing to read this book. I appreciate it a lot. I've had this idea for a long time now. I'm happy to have finally brought it to actual paper instead of keeping it up in my head. The idea to me was a work of art in itself. The idea of finding someone so perfect to match you is astounding. I also hope this book is my breakthrough into the publishing business even though I'm still quite young.

I'd like to go on to thank the girl, that inspired me to write this. She was a beacon of hope to me I guess and was a huge help to me throughout my rough times and I hope she's happy in life.

I would also like to thank Kris because he is an inspiration to me. Kris is a role model to me in real life. Kris is one of my closest friends and I just aspire to be like him in general. I based a character off him because Luke needs someone like Kris in his life.

I would also like to thank Eleanor. She has done nothing but support and helps me throughout my writing process all the time. Whenever I was stuck she would help me look at the chapter from a different light and suggest new ideas.

I would like to thank my other friends too for constantly being supportive of my writing and always being excited for the new things to come.

Overall I'd like to thank all of my fans. I would be nowhere without you all. You guys motivate me and make me happy.

Thank you all.

I hope you enjoy this book.

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