Chapter 11: Rising of A New Power

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(A/N: Well hello my fellow readers and followers, here is chapter 11 of this story and if you read the title, then you should know what's gonna happen in this chapter,

Now with that said, let the reading begin.)

(Y/N) P.O.V

"After what happens with Blake and Weiss, they head back to Beacon and then they get a text from Ruby to arrive at Ozpin's office and they headed there and as they took the elevator to his office they arrived to also see Team JNPR there and they sat in the other chairs.........

Ozpin: "I'm glad you made it, now listen up. This is an urgent mission."

(Y/N): "What is it Prof. Ozpin?"

Ozpin: "We have reports of what seems to be White Fangs at a hideout where there is ton of stolen dust storage and they've been moving stuff there recently and I want you 9 to go see what's going on."

Ruby: "We'll have it done Prof. Ozpin."

.........everyone gets ready and (Y/N) looks at Ashley and he knew he needs someone to watch her until he gets back, so he takes her to Team CFVY's dorm and he knocks on it to reveal Velvet.........

Velvet: "Oh, hello (Y/N). *looks at Ashley* Oh, who's this?"

(Y/N): "This is Ashley, she's my little sister. Now, Velvet me, Team RWBY and JNPR is going on a mission and I need you and your team to watch Ashley for me until I get back."

Velvet: "I would love to."

(Y/N): "Thank you. *looks at Ashley, then bends to her level* Ashley, I need you to be good for Velvet and her team until I get back alright?"

Ashley: "Okay big brother."

..........Ashley hugs him and (Y/N) hugs back, then they got on a bullhead and they took it to the location of where the White Fang are and they decide to stay at a village next to it and wait, then (Y/N) suddenly hears yelling and he goes outside to see a little boy being dragged by a random guy and they boy was fighting back trying to break outta his grip. Then he sees a woman trying to stop him and he recognized to be they boy's mother and the guy slaps her in the face and (Y/N)'s eyes widen and he walks over and throws the guy on the ground and he let's go of the boy..........

(Y/N): "You're okay. Go next to your mom."

.........they boy runs to his mom and he hugs her, then (Y/N) looks at the guy and he gets up and he brings out a knife.........

Guy: "You're gonna pay for that kid."

.........then he tries to strike (Y/N), but he was then flipped on the ground and (Y/N) holds his arm in a armlock and he drops the knife and he groans in pain, then police shows up and takes the guy away and (Y/N) goes to the son and mom........

???? 2: "Thank you so much."

(Y/N): "No problem, what just happened here?"

???? 2: "It's my good for nothing husband, he started this gang that is close in dealing with the White Fang and one of his gang members was taking my son away to him."

.........then (Y/N)'s eyes widen and he leads them into the hotel where he's staying with Team RWBY and JNPR, then he fixed them something to drink and he sat in a chair and looked at them.........

(Y/N): "Can you tell me anything Mrs........"

Kelly: "It's Kelly, my name is Kelly. This is my son Josh."

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