Chapter 21

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We followed Griffin through the dense foliage towards whatever he had found. Skimming around the outside of the village, we made sure to stay within the shadows. It wouldn’t do us any good to get spotted by a Terran or guard; they likely wouldn’t be as homely as the others we’d met.

I still had a pain in my back and head that seemed to have spread around my forehead and down my face. My eyes were aching from, apparent exhaustion, making it hard to keep them open. I wasn’t one to complain but all this pain was really taking its toll on me. I had got used to my wings hurting but this was a whole new level of annoyance, not to mention agony. At least the others seemed to be equally as affected; even Griffin was flinching slightly due to sore feet. Otherwise, his stance was unchanged as he ploughed ahead of everyone. Comet was staring angrily at his but.

Honour and Comet were slouching, their packs weighing down on their backs. Honour had been a real gentleman and offered to carry my items. Unfortunately this didn’t last long as he was already weary enough without another pack on his back. So Griffin now had the two brown bags.

We soon arrived at a section of the forest that looked exactly the same as the part we had just walked through. Stopping, I looked at Griffin expectantly. There was definitely nothing here that seemed remarkable in any way. I did not believe Griffin had actually found anything.

“There’s nothing here,” Honour stated in exhaustion.

“Are you sure this is the right place?” I asked them both.

Honour closed his eyes as he worked out the co-ordinates. “Most likely.”

Griffin was walking around the trees muttering to himself. I was becoming slightly scared for his mental health. He seemed unstable. As I was watching him search, Honour and Comet settled themselves down in the green grass. Comet was no longer bothered about getting her dress dirty. Her whole appearance had become dishevelled, which was highly unlike her. Her short blonde hair was messy and unkempt, while her face was covered in dirt and scratches which continued over her body.

Suddenly I heard Griffin exclaim in excitement and race off further into the forest. Pulling Comet up, we quickly joined him in chase, Honour hot on our heels. Eventually we caught up with him, panting- completely out of breath, and sweating from our heads to our toes.

Griffin was stood in front of an extremely large boulder. I was slightly apprehensive that it would turn out to be another Ballzag but this was unlikely; plus it didn’t look like a Ballzag, it looked like a boulder. It was about double the height of Griffin and at least the same width. I wondered why he was smiling at it. Maybe he really had lost his mind.

“You, got me to run, for a ROCK?” Comet exclaimed, panting furiously between each word.

“Nope,” Griffin assured.

We all sighed in relief.

“It’s a boulder,” Griffin corrected. “A very large Boulder.”

I groaned and then proceeded to grab hold of Comet as she lunged at Griffin, anger clouding her face. Clutching her, I stroked her head soothingly while I waited until she stopped struggling. 

Eventually she calmed down and I released her. “Sorry about that, I lost my cool for a moment,” Comet apologised.

“You just did what we all wanted to,” Honour muttered angrily.

Griffin turned around then, looking at us all angrily, “do you not trust my judgment.”

“No, we do, it’s just well…” I started uncertainly, rubbing my hands nervously.

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