Chapter 9

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I woke up in a hot sweat, struggling against the hold of the kidnapper; except, I wasn’t anymore. Sighing, I scolded myself for being so weak and allowing myself to be taken so easily. I hoped the others were ok.

Suddenly, the room jumped upwards. My body jolted in response and my forehead collided against an extremely hard object. Sitting up, slowly, I rubbed my aching temple and searched the room for an explanation. It was so dark I was unable to see much of anything, only a vague metallic glow.

Reaching my hand up, I patted, what I could only assume, was a very low ceiling. It was so crowded I could barely sit up straight. Moving my hand across the surface, I discovered it stopped just right of me. I then proceeded to roll until over until I found it possible to stand.

Looking down at where I had recently been, I saw I had fallen under a bench. Great. Now that I was out from under it I could see that the light had been emanating from near the ceiling. After taking a closer look, I realised it wasn’t attached to anything. I knew at once it was a spell; probably used to save money.

The room gave another violent jerk, sliding me along the bench and whacking me against the far wall. Pain reverberated through my side, throwing me off the bench; I crumpled to the floor and let out a groan in frustration.

Lifting myself up with much difficulty, I flattened my wings back into my cloak and tried to shake the pain away. I placed my hand tentively atop the bench, in fear of being thrown away again, before shuffling along to where I began.

Half way along the bench, my foot impacted on something soft. Tapping it gently with my toe, I tested the waters to evaluate if it was alive or dangerous. It gave a small groan before rolling over onto my foot.

Bending down, I managed to tilt whatever it was back to where it had started. Aka, off my foot. Then, being extra careful not to wake it up, I stepped delicately over it. As I lifted my second foot, however, I accidently caught the sleeping beast in the chest. This caused me, not only to trip over and land awkwardly on my arm, but to wake up the thing.

I quickly scrambled up and away from it in fear that it was hostile. In the faint glow we had been provided, all I could make out was an outline. As it stood shakily to its feet I caught a flash of wings glint in the light.

Realising it was one of my girls, I hurried over and carefully helped her onto the bench.

“Owie,” she groaned, “I feel as if I’ve just been kicked by a size 5 boot.”

“Comet, it’s you,” I cried out happily while giving her a hug. She was the only person I knew who would be able to tell what size foot had collided into her.

“Of course it’s me idiot, who were you expecting? The king?” Comet laughed, returning my hug merrily.

Just then, another jolt threw up apart.

“What on earth was that?” Comet called to me from the darkness in which she had hurtled into.

“I don’t know,” I admitted truthfully. “It’s happened quite a few times now.”

“Is someone there?” An anxious voice called from another spot in the room.

“Lacey, is that you?” I inquired hopefully.

“Amy!” Lacey exclaimed, hurling herself at me. “Where are we?”

“I’m not sure,” I informed them both.

Feeling Comet sit back down, I draped my free arm over her shoulders.

“At least we’re all together this time,” Comet sighed happily.

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