Chapter 3

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I headed home shortly after our talk. Located in Princess Rosaline’s room had been many cure candles, a device infused with Mage magic to speed up the healing process. They were quite a common item that could be bought from the local market. The Mages there created all kind of magical items, though you couldn’t really trust all of them.

As soon as I stepped over the threshold of my house my mum appeared around the kitchen door, covered in the usual evidence of her baking massacre. She immediately rushed me.

“Are you okay hunny? Why are you home from school already?” Summer asked worriedly

“Ummm well..” I wasn’t sure how to explain it to her. What if she became upset with me?

As I began to babble a strange string of words, her gaze flitted over me in an attempt to assess what was wrong. She paused as she noticed the two white wings lazily hanging off my back.

“Oh Amy, I’m so proud of you,” she exclaimed happily. “Now turn around so I can see them properly.”

I wanted to refuse but Summer was already forcing my shoulder around. The jagged ache immediately flared up again, realising I would probably never be rid of it, I suddenly had no doubt about going on this, insane, retrieval mission.

I watched as my mum’s face gradually fell as she began to see the state of my wings. We had attempted to clean the feathers in warm water but the blood seemed to be indissoluble, eventually the discomfort I felt turned into a blinding agony so they had to stop anyway.

Summer gasped, tears prickled at the corners of her eyes as she muttered through her fingers, “my baby, oh my poor, poor baby.”

“It’s ok mum,” I lied as she hugged me tightly. I struggled to keep in the gasp of fire that flared through me at her touch.

Unhooking my mum gently, I led her over to our sofa and lowered her onto it. Sitting next to her I began to explain what had happened with the Princess and what Comet, Lacey and I had to do.

“I don’t know Amy, it sounds awfully dangerous,” Summer admitted, looking worried.

“It will be fine, Princess Rosaline will be with us the whole way,” I assured her.

Summer nodded but still looked uncertain. “If you are truly determined than I suppose I cannot stop you. You are an adult now, after all.”

I smiled, glad my mum understood. Reaching over I hugged her once more. Getting ready to stand up and finish preparation, I felt a hand on my arm lowering back down into my mum’s warmth.

“There is something I must tell you before you go,” Summer began. I started to worry as she paused, I wondered if this was the secret my parents had been discussing when I left this morning.

Eventually, Summer spoke, “Amethyst, dear, you’re… well hunny.. you’re…”

Looking at my mother, she stared sadly back at me. I was wondering if she was going to finish when she sighed deeply.

“You’re going to get cold. I have an old cloak I would like you to take, just in case.”

I peered at her suspiciously but my mum refused to meet my gaze. I had a feeling that wasn’t what she had originally been planning on telling me.

Obediently, like a good little girl, I did not pry my mum. If it was really important then she would tell me, whether that was before or after my trip.

After getting all my items, I said goodbye to my mum and made her promise to explain everything to my dad. That was my only regret, not seeing him before I left, but he had a busy job and I didn’t want to interrupt it. Anyway, travelling into the middle of the city would take ages.

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