Chapter 10

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The first thing I noticed was the differences in the guard’s demeanours. The main one at the front was larger than the others, obviously working out regularly when not on the battle field, his facial hair as equally as fierce as his muscles. In comparison, those surrounding him appeared less confident. I would’ve guessed they were recently new into the force; they didn’t appear to have any noticeable experience as both their skin and armour were impeccable.

“Separate them at once,” the large one demanded, his deep voice reverberating around the cave, causing me to jump.

At first no one moved but once ushered into action by a hit over the head, the two either side of the main guard hurried forward. I was then forced onto my feet by their sweaty hands.

For once I decided it would be best if I did not fight against them. There appeared to be no way all my friends and I would escape from this safely if I tried. I did notice my friends attempting to struggle, Comet even resorting to biting her captor. This invited a fist to have contact with the side of her head.

I was then dragged towards the door with the heels of my feet scuffing painfully along the floor. When outside the cramped room I journeyed in the opposite direction to the others. I didn’t like being separated from Comet and Lacey but as I glanced over my shoulder I saw they were taken into different rooms as well. I had a feeling we were going to be interrogated, or killed.

Soon, I arrived at my own similarly plain door which I was thrown violently through.

These people didn’t appear to have a gentle setting.

Lifting myself up, I saw I was in a simply furnished room with only a table and chair for company. Creeping over, I cautioned myself to not imagine there wasn’t something going on here. To my amazement, it didn’t appear anyone else was in the room.

“Hi there, are you comfy enough?”

My head snapped to the side, anxious to discover the origin of this new voice.

“Do not bother wasting your energy; you will not be able to see me as I am not located within the room.” The voice informed me curtly.

It appeared he was laughing at me. I thought I recognised it and concluded the voice belonged to the same guard who had grabbed me earlier.

“What do you want?” I yelled defiantly at the walls.

“We are simply looking for some answers,” the voice replied calmly.

“So it would be great if you could just calm down, ok? That table never did anything to you,” this time a higher pitched voice spoke, he sounded more timid than the first.

Wondering what he meant about the table, I glanced down to where my hands were resting. Surprisingly, there was a small crack running in between them. I must have been extremely angry to have had such a sudden burst of strength.

Lifting my hands up, I placed them dutifully at my side, although, a frown stayed plastered firmly upon my face.

“If you’ve finally calmed down, we can start,” yet another voice spoke up, although this one was definitely female. “First off, what’s your name?”

“How many of you actually are there?” I asked suspiciously, unsure if I was speaking to a huge room of people.

“Just three of us, don’t worry.” The main speaker assured his voice still harsh and cold. “I’m commander Blood and this here’s Private Mathew.”

“You’re my first assignment,” the timid, squeaky voice piped up excitedly.

In the background I heard a very distinctive thud and a whine of pain from Mathew; that was obviously information you do not give to the suspect.

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