Chapter 8

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Four faces swam in my vision as I slept. They were just out of reach, so I couldn’t tell exactly who they were. All I could decipher was that two seemed male and the other’s female. I felt as though they were talking to me but didn’t expect a reply.

As I tried getting up, I found I could not move. I was starting to panic when the location suddenly changed. I was now in a large room with shiny, whitewashed walls. Again, there were other people in the room.

The two females were now sat in the middle of the giant room with their backs to me. They were obviously doing something but I couldn’t see far past their shoulders.

Waiting patiently, I watched as the younger one got up and moved over to a chest. Without her blocking my view, I could plainly see what was on the floor. There were two beautiful babies. I sighed happily, starting to like this dream more, having been scared something awful would happen.

When I glanced up at the woman sitting above the babies, I noticed how stunningly beautiful she seemed. Her gorgeous dark hair fell in curls around her oval face, emphasising her brilliant eyes. She smiled happily at the babies.

The little girl came hurrying back with a bunch of baby changing necessities. She looked a lot like the woman even though she seemed to be about 15.

Before I could ponder what was happening, a crash came from behind me. Everyone turned.

Standing in the doorway was a large man and a younger boy, both with billowing cloaks and brown hair. The man looked tall and powerful, while the boy appeared small and scared.

The girl jumped up to them, seemingly to block their way to the babies.

I was surprised when the man reached down and clutched the girl to his body. Turning to the woman, he began to say something angrily.

My head started to pound as I felt myself waking up, no longer able to hear what anyone was saying. They were evidently yelling at each other, but I had no clue what it was about.

I yawned, sending a shudder rippling through my body, and everything vanished.

Feeling myself continue to shake violently, I wondered if my body was cold. I could feel tears running down my face, although I did not know why. I didn’t feel sad.

Waking suddenly, I realised Comet was screaming at me. I could see the terror clearly in my friend’s eyes.

Forgetting all about my abnormal dream, I leapt to my feet to find out what was wrong. Before I could ask, Comet was dragging me out of my room. I was still feeling drowsy, making it easier for Comet to control me.

For some reason, my ears hadn’t woken up properly. Instead of voices I heard a loud ringing. Comet was shouting something at me. Though, I could tell it wasn’t much, just two simple words.

Come on.

We reached the doorway to the outside but instead of exiting that way, we turned in the opposite direction. I tried to ask where we were going but found my voice was too crackly to speak. Feeling a tug on my sleeve, I turned to find two big eyes staring at me.

Lacey was here. I smiled at her but only received a worried scowl in return.

Turning back, I nearly ran straight into Comet’s back. Again, I tried to ask what the matter was but was answered with only silence.

Looking at Comet’s face, I noticed how her eyes had suddenly become unfocused and sleepy. I screamed in silent shock as my friends body dropped violently to the floor. Bending over, I checked her pulse. Luckily, she was still alive, just unconscious.

I turned; ready to ask Lacey to help me carry Comet. To my dismay I found Lacey was also in a heap on the floor.

Analysing my surroundings, I noticed how foggy it had suddenly become. Twisting to my left, my gaze searched for the brown wall that I knew should be there, but wasn’t. I opened my mouth to call for Perry but, again, only a faint whisper pierced the silence.

Feeling a hand grip my shoulder, I turned, trusting it to be Perry stood behind me. To my horror I was now face to face with a guard and he did not look happy. Pulling me along the hallway, he put his hand to his ear. His mouth moved as if he was communicating to someone, or just talking to himself.

My instincts told me to run, but I felt that I couldn’t just leave Comet and Lacey, not to mention Perry. It soon turned out I wouldn’t be allowed to even have a chance to. The guard reached over and placed his hand across my eyes. Blackness engulfed my vision; I could no longer see anything.

Feeling the pressure release from my face, I expected to see more than endless darkness. I was absentmindedly aware of falling before hearing a sickening crunch as my wings collided with the hard ground.

Pain completely engulfed my being as the already dark world became hazed with red. I wasn’t sure what was happening but knew I, and probably my friends, were being lifted away and taken somewhere.

The faces from my dream did not return to me, although I did hear sobs, saw a white flash and a piercing scream. Soon, even heavier darkness befell onto me.


So what are you thinking of Amethyst's dream? Is it a premonicion of something too come? Who do they need to watch out for? What do you think? Please make my day and comment below, I love all your amazing words of wisdomsness!!!

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