Chapter 4

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“Are we nearly there yet?” Comet moaned.

“Does it look like we are there yet?” I snapped back, annoyed at being asked the same thing every minute for the last hour. Comet really was acting like a small child and it had finally pushed me over the edge.

Comet looked shocked at my response, “I was only asking, sheesh.”

I sighed. “Sorry Comet, I’m just tired.”

“Oh that’s alright, we all are,” Comet hugged me happily. She changed moods extremely quickly; it was very disorientating.

“Yeah, I’m also kind of nervous,” Lacey admitted.

“Why’s that?”

“Well, I’ve been thinking that I might find my parents somewhere,” Lacey answered me. “I always wondered if they were Mages or Terrans, or possibly both? Do you think they’ll like me? Maybe they wanted me to leave. It’s probably better if we didn’t find them, just in case.”

“Lacey, will you calm down. I’m sure your parents will adore you, just like we do,” Comet assured her.

If we even come across them, Comet’s eyes darted at me as if she’d had the same thought. Neither of us brought it up.

“I suppose,” Lacey sighed, trying to agree with us.

“Maybe we should do something to pass the time,” I suggested, trying to take Lacey’s mind off of her parents.

Lacey looked resigned but nodded half-heartedly.

“I know, eye-spy. I haven’t played it since I was little,” Comet piped up.

“There’s a reason for that Comet, it’s a child’s game,” I reminded her, “although, it would be a good way to appreciate the nature around us.”

“Yes,” Comet shouted in success. “I’ll go first.”

Looking around us, Comet quickly decided on something. “I spy with my little eye, something beginning with T.”

I peered into the direction Comet had just scrutinised, then realised there wasn’t much surrounding us that it could be, other than the obvious large wooden things.

“Tree,” I asked.

Comet looked mock shocked, “how did you ever guess?”

I laughed, “I don’t think this game is going to work.”

"Damn, you're too good," Lacy stated sarcastically while giggling.

We were currently making our way through a fairly dense wooded area, following a stony, and not very clear, path we had located.

“Come on, there’s got to be something other than trees around here,” Comet complained.

Just as Comet finished her sentence we rounded the corner and suddenly found ourselves at the edge of the wood. It hadn’t even thinned out as we reached the end, simply stopped.

“How is this any better?”

Comet was wrong; we were now situated in an expansive network of fields. That had to indicate how close we were getting to Terra Nova; as surely the fields required someone to tame them.

I looked over to explain this to Comet when I noticed she was pointing at the dung she was stood in front of. She appeared to be scowling at it, as if this would cause it to scamper off in fright.

“At least we can have a better game of I spy now,” Lacey commented happily.

I nodded, “I believe it’s my turn now. I spy with my little eye, something beginning with B.”

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