Chapter 13

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The grey mare was carefully picking her way up the path. She had been saddled with a sleek leather set that was surprisingly comfy and strong. Kitty had told me they hadn’t given her a name, it wasn’t how they worked, instead she was MG40. I worked out it probably stood for Mare-Grey-40.

I thought she was absolutely stunning, even though I hadn’t seen many horses to compare her to, so I had been whispering “Cookie” to her when no one was listening.

Next to me was Griffin on his own large chestnut-MB37; behind was Lacey and Comet both on a smaller dark Stallion-SD45- and Honour who was situated on a light mare- WM12. Staring in front of us, I was carefully following Kitty on her own grey mare, MG2.

Kitty had decided to come with us, probably in order to keep her horses safe rather than any love for our health. As a Terran I could understand her connection with the friendly beasts. Her large horse ears, almost, mane like hair and tale, combined with the hoof print I caught a glimpse of every so often on her palm showed that this was the animal she was connected to. She also seemed to know exactly where we were heading, which was good because I had no clue.

I watched her grey ponytail swing behind her as the awkward silence between Griffin and I grew louder. I could hear my friends happily discuss things behind me and felt I desperately needed to bring something up.

“Ummmm,” I began. Griffin titled his head towards me expectantly. “Where are we going?”

Great, now I sound stupid. A small smile tugged slightly at the corner of Griffin’s lips but this was quickly replaced by a scowl.

“Surely you have heard of the cave mage,” Griffin stated.

I stared blankly back at him.

Griffin sighed, obviously annoyed at my idiocy. “Obviously the soothsayer believes he knows how to translate the history book you have. Any other information doesn’t concern you at present. I’m sure he’ll introduce himself to you when we get there.”

I nodded, still not really understanding but not wishing to upset him any more than was necessary.

“I was wondering about the attack thing?” I mentioned casually not wanting to pry into something I wasn’t supposed to.

“What about it?” Griffin asked while carefully guiding his horse through the dense woodland.

“Why are you attacking the king? I mean, if you’re searching for the Queen then how does killing the King help in any way?” I inquired honestly confused.

“Well, if the King was married to her then he must be the one who knows where she is,” Griffin paused to make sure I understood. “He will never give us that information willingly. Therefore I have to kill him.”

My mind instantly felt sick. I’ve never liked death, even for the greater good. “How will that help?” I demanded angrily.

“We can then get the information from him using magic,” Griffin explained like it was obvious.

“Why do you have to do it though? Do you want to?” I tried to plead with him.

“It was what I was born to do,” he explained to me. Taking a hand off his reins he clenched it angrily. “I must plunge a knife deep into his heart. It is the only way.”

I didn’t know how to respond. Sadness filled my belly. I couldn’t believe it was the only way; no one deserved to die and no one should be forced to kill. Silence rang out just as loudly as before as tears collected at the corners of my eyes.

I shook my head forcefully. It wasn’t my decision. Hell, it wasn’t even my fight. I just had to find the cave mage, discover the crown and get home with fixed wings.

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