He was confident, "It's because I knew I'd get accepted right away." He replied with a smug smile.

"Why now then?"

A smirk spread across his face, an evil one, "No specific reason~" He laughed, "I just wanted a break from college." They all laughed.

Most of the class was in the front part of the room while I sat at the very back. There wasn't a single person who approached me or even greeted me like they all greeted each other.

It was something that was bound to happen. An abnormal is treated differently, looked down upon, and even considered an outcast.

Even in school, the only friend I had, Laina, was a recessive omega. She was about the same height as me and people considered her an abnormal too even though she wasn't. We were often made fun of, people used to point fingers and called us a circus, and they used to say we were a perfect match for each other but to me honestly, none of it mattered. I was just happy to have someone I could call a friend. Though Laina wasn't allowed in my house and I wasn't allowed to be near hers, our only place of meeting was school, thus the only motivation I had to go there.

The bell rang, the teacher came in and everyone went ahead and sat down on their seats, the classroom quieted down and I turned my head to look at the seat beside mine.

We sit in pairs of two. Everyone had chosen a pair and was sitting with their partners yet the seat beside mine was empty


There are things you just expect and I had expected for this to happen but nonetheless, it hurts each time.

There are fifty of us and we're divided into two classrooms so it was a given that I'd be alone.

I pursed my lips softly and looked straight ahead as the teacher came and introduced himself.

"My name's Owen," He placed the attendance book on the desk, "I'll be with you for the next six months." He smiled, "It's nice to meet you all." He looked at everyone in the room, "We'll just have a short introduction today and then you all can go to the dorm office and get your keycards."


"We'll have a lot of fieldwork so be prepared."

"Yes!" Everyone seemed enthusiastic, everyone but me.

I wasn't really able to pay much attention to his words since I was uneasy sitting in a class full of Alphas.

It was uncomfortable and it felt like it was hard to breathe.


I waited till everyone had gone to visit the dorm office, I didn't want any kind of interaction at all so I wanted to be the last one. I went in, greeted the dorm manager, and got my card.


That was my room number written on the card. That meant I had the very last room in the dorm building. The dorm had three floors, the ground floor has a huge common room, with an equally big kitchen. The gym is on the same floor along with one dorm room.

The second and third floors have six dorm rooms each and my room was on the third floor, the last one in the right corridor since the stairs started in the middle of the hallway.

I went to my room and opened up the door to go in as I texted the servants who came with me to bring all my stuff in.

The room was like a suite room but that was expected of a prestigious Alpha Academy. The only thing that bothered me was if they were going to give so many luxuries why did they not give two separate bedrooms?

Why do we have to share a room? That's just stupid!

I sighed and looked around the place but there was no sign of my partner in the sitting area, he wasn't near the window balcony where the study desks were so I decided to check the bedroom. I opened the door and went in, the room had two single beds placed at a distance and two closets on either side. A narrow hallway led to the bathroom from where the sound of water dripping was coming.


Is something leaking? I turned to walk toward the bathroom when the door opened and a man stepped outside. I froze in my place when I saw who it was and my eyes went wide.


He wore absolutely nothing when he stepped outside the towel on his head. Steam erupted from his body and droplets of water made their way down his skin. He had a firm lean body and he was over six feet tall.

I didn't know what to do. Would looking away make me weird or if I keep looking would it make me a pervert?

"Oh!" Eli smirked when he saw me, "My roommate~" He took a step toward me and my heart started racing, "The defective one." His smile kept getting wider, "This is going to be fun." I was mostly just scared so I looked away.

My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach when I realized he was my partner.

This was the worst-case scenario since I was stuck with him for six months and I had no way out of it.

The Alpha Academy [Lost Mates Book 1]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang