That asshole. Who aims a gun at their own teammate?!

I flutter the tears away and get back on my feet. Walking over to the desk I grab the last file and slide it in the binder I was messing with earlier. A sigh escaping my lips as I leave the file room and walk over to my desk to grab my belongings.

I'm the last one in the office as usual.

The sound of my heels tapping on the cold tiles ring in my ear as I get on the elevator. The ride down quiet as I feel my energy drain out of me. As I step out of the elevator I notice Genji, Jack, and Angela all talking among each other.

I purse my lips as I look at my ID around my neck.

I need to clock out with Angela...

Inhaling a deep breath I walk over to the three.

"Excuse me..." I squeak out. Angela turns her gaze towards me, a smile on her face.

"Oh, there you are. I was wondering how long it would take you to come down." I take my ID lanyard off and hand it to Angela. Her fingers rapidly typing away and then she scans my ID. I try to avoid my eyes from Genji and Jack as they silently wait for Angela to clock me out.

Angela returns the ID and smiles at me. "There you go. Get home safely Hana."

I nod my head slightly as I notice Jack shift slightly beside me.

"So that's her name." Jack blurts out as Angela glares at him. She lightly punches Jack in the stomach.

"You don't even know your own team members name? You ass."

I feel a twinge of sadness in my chest.

So that's why he always calls me cadet? I figured it was because I'm not at that level of respect yet.

"Ow, Angela! You know I have more important things to remember." Jack grumbles at her as he rubs his stomach.

His attitude completely different from the Chief I know. I feel uncomfortable standing there so I quickly rush out of the building.

"Ugh, how could you be so rude?!" Angela spits out as Genji watches me leave.

"I think you hurt her feelings, Jack." Genji says as he pats Jacks shoulder.

"Why would you think that? She shouldn't care about how I treat her anyway." Jack says nonchalantly as Angela shakes her head.

"I don't miss working with you at all. You don't care about your teammates." Angela says with a sigh. Jack looks at her with a small smile.

"Don't say that. I miss you, Angela." Jack slyly says. Angela rolls her eyes not amused.

"Gross. Don't flirt in front of me." Genji says annoyed as Jack rolls his eyes.

"Anyway, let's hurry and grab some drinks. This case we've been working on is almost over." Jack walks out of the building as Genji and Angela follow right after him.


I turn on the light to my quiet apartment and slide my heels off, leaving them messily at the front entrance. I weakly slide my feet against the wood floor towards me bedroom. The sight of the bed causes a smile to form on my face as I throw myself on it.

Instantly curling into a ball, I close my eyes. The comfort of my bed calming my nerves as I recall today's events.

That ass of a Chief.

[Discontinued] Unexpected & Forbidden || x Genjiजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें