Chapter 8:Welcome Party 1

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Yaeger gasps looking at his own hand.I don't know if he pretending to not know or he really don't know he is bleeding.

Then,I heard Reiner speak up after it's been silent for a while,smiling.

"You really did showed it too much,Eren." All of them smile looking at Yaeger and me.


I frown.Why did his bleeding got anything to do with me?It's not like I'm the one who did it because I just arrived.

And he just smile awkwardly while bearing the pain.He groans a bit.

"Eren!That cut is kind of deep.Wash your hand!" Annie orders in panic while dragging Yaeger to the sink.

As expected of Annie,huh?A really caring girlfriend.

Annie washes his hand under the cold water.Eren groans when the water touches his skin.

"Hang in there." Annie orders him and clean the blood properly.

Yaeger looks at her who is busy cleaning his blood.His face looks confuse,shock and he blushes a bit.

What a shy couple.For the first time,I think Annie is kinda cute.

"Are you okay,Eren?" Bertolt asks when Annie finished cleaning the blood.His voice is kind of deep..and a bit loud?

"Y..yes,I'm fine.It's just a cut.It's nothing." Yaeger nod.Saying that he's fine.

"Eren,I'm sorry to ask you to cut the onions although I knew you dont know how to do it.Just rest for now,let us do everything." Christa apologizes.She looks guilty.

Heh,afraid because injured a rich boy huh?

Well,he really looks rich.It's really unbelievable to see a high school student live in such an apartment alone.

"No,no.It's was my fault.I got a little too shocked because..." He silents and then look at me.

I just stare at him back uninterestedly.

He removes his eyes first and his face redden.

Just what is wrong with this guy?He's really weird.

"Mikasa,can you please treat Eren's cut?All of us wants to continue cooking now." Ymir asked me while handing me an emergency kit straight to my hand that makes me have no time to refuse to take it.

"Ymir?" Yaeger's eyes widen looking at Ymir.His face looks red.

"Ymir,I can help Eren with the cut.So,.." Annie interrupts but Ymir quickly cut her up to make her silent.

"Annie,you still haven't finish cutting the meat."

Annie frown and pouts,glaring at her furiously.

But,it looks like Ymir doesn't care at all.

And Yaeger looks like he want to interrupt but he just looking at both of them silently.

"We still have many work to do.Please,Mikasa?" Ymir blinks her eyes to me that make me frown a bit.

"Yeah,I've got no problem with it." I rub my side neck,feeling weird with Ymir's behavior.

"Thank you!After you're done,give Yaeger some drinks and let him rest at the living room." Ymir smiles cheerfully.She gives Eren a smile and goes to the kitchen,while dragging Annie who don't want to leave.

It silent while I was searching for the bandages and cream in the emergency kit.I put the cream on the cotton and pull his fingers toward me.I applies it on his injury finger softly and slowly.

He groans when I push the cotton hardly on the cut.I frown.

"Your cut is kinda deep,"I apply the cream once more and rub it to smooth the cream.

He groans.But his face doesn't match his voice.While he's screaming,his face looks like he's enjoying this.

Don't tell me he's enjoying this,is he a masochist?

I stare at him annoyingly but I'm sure face is just like my normal face,an emotionless face,since I don't know how to express myself very well.

His face became red when I stare at him.He looks away and that makes me become confuse

Whats with him?It's my first time to meet such a guy who act like this in front of me.

Wait,no..Jean is also like that but he's not as bad as him.

"Just how many works do you have?" Yaeger looks at me.Oh?his face is not red anymore.

"Just why in the hell you want to care about my life?You're more protective than my mom you know."My voice got louder.He is really annoying to bother himself to care about others peoples life.

"That's because you are.." He stopped before he can finish his sentence.I stare at him furiously.He blushed.

"You are my friend.Yes!We're friend so we need to take care of each other!That's what friends do."

I sigh.Well,it's really annoying to deal with a person like him.I will just tell him.After all,It's not a secret.I'm just irritated becuse he interrupted me.

"I have 5 work for now."

"What?!5?And what with the 'for now'?Do you wish to have more?"

"I guess so.."

He pouts but he didn't say anything.

After a while,I finished.I close the emergency kit and got up

"Done.You,just rest here untill we finish cooking.Here,water." I  hand him the water and he take it.

"Thanks.I will pay your kindness later."

"It's not a big deal.Not need to repay me.It's a pain in the ass."

"For you it's a pain in the ass,but it's not for me.Don't you know what you give you get back?If you're kind to me then I will be kind to you.That's my life all about."

"I know you don't know what you're talking."

"And I know that you know that I know about that."

"Yeah,yeah.Then,I will go to the kitchen."

I need to help them.Well,it's my habit to do the housework

I go to the kitchen and I help the others to make the meals


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