Chapter 3:He's Nice

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Mikasa got up from her sit to buy a drink a the vending machine near the sport store.No one go to buy drinks at there because it is far from the classes and didn't hve many interesting drinks.Also,the place is very quiet and usually people only go there to take sport equipment once a year when Sport Day.

Mikasa bought a tin of lemon tea and before she could walk to her class again to take her bento to have recess inside the sport store,she bumps into someone.

She looks up and it was a guy with a thick mustache and beard with a pervert face looking at her.He's only wearing a long coat.

Mikasa looks at her with an expressionless face.Not scare at all with his face and with being alone with a might dangerous guy.

"Wow!You're so cute and pretty.How beautiful,"the man said while smiling pervertly.Mikasa didn't flinch even a second and still stood while staring at him.


I'm stress while thinking how can I ask for her full name to that girl.Judging by our conversation,even if I'm begging I'm sure he will not tell me her full name.Thanks to Levi-sensei I know her last name.Ackerman.

But,I'm really shocked to know that she is an easy to shock person.That's really cute.So cute that I think I could die.I smiles reminding at her behavior.

But what makes me shocked more is she blushes so hard in front of me.OMG I'd love it very much if she just show that face to me and just me.I hope I am the first person to make her like that.

She must be embarassed that I know her weakness.Yeah!It must be only me and Only I can see her like that.I know I'm being greedy but I don't care.

Now,I'm going to sport store for my recess there.I heard sport store have nothing except a bed for high jump,many big booksheleves that places books 'bout sports and a table for four to eat.That's it.It's also have an air conditioner and the place is kinda dark too.My dream location to rest and stay at school.What insteresting,no one 've been there because it kind of scary and far from the other school block.Even the teachers don't want to go there.So this is my chance to make my own organization at school.

I whistle and when I turn around the corner,my eyes widen when I saw my dream girl is being flirt by a guy.The guy opened his coat and shows his body which wear nothing to her.

My blood  boils and my eyes fills with anger and I feel like I could get rampage anytime.I run towards them.

"Ackerman!" I shouted calling her name.

Before I can help her,She who is in front me who can't see me coming kicks the guy down there and kick him inthe face with the other leg.She flew in the sky then she gives the guy one more kick straight in the face that makes the guy fell to the floor while bleeding.

She lands cooly and stand,taking back her lemon tea on the floor.She goes to the guy and place his leg on the guy chest hardly,makin the guy screams.

"I will not report you to the school if you run from here and disappear from my eyes within 5 seconds,got it?"she says and this make the guys quickly get up and run away from us.

"Swine,"she murmurs to herself and turn back.Our eyes meet.

Her face looks really calm.So calm like nothing happened.She looks relax as if nothing happened.As if the pervert meant nothing to her.Doesn't she know pervert is really scary and a monster to woman?

She just looks at me for a second before walking beside me.I grab her hand to stop her.

She looks at me,"What is it?"she frowns.

I frown too,"How can you just fight him like that?As a girl,you should scream or run call for help.This,you beat him up and even let him go?are you stupid?"I nag at her.Seriously,I'm mad.I'm mad at her and myself for not letting me to help her.

I feel like I'm no use to her.I can't protect her like man and she protect herself.As a man,I should protect a girl I love right?

"That's a waste of time.Futhermore,it's just a pervert." She replies.

I sigh.

"Well,you may be strong to beat a guy.But remember..,"I grab her hand closer and lower myself to her ear "You're still a girl,Ackerman."And I try to seduce her.

I apart ourselves after saying that while grinning at her.Her face that still looks calm kinda piss me.I release her hand and go to vending machine to buy some drinks and have lunch at the sport store.


I go back to sport store with my bento.I take a look at my lunch in my hand.

"Guess I make too much,"I murmur to myself as I open the door.

I got a little shock when I saw Jaeger in the store,eating a yakisoba bread at the table.



We both talk at the same time.He looks too shock when I enter.The heck with this guy?

He coughs.His face looks red although the air conditioner is working as well the air is too strong.

He asked,"Lunch?" I nod.I take a sit in front of him.

"How did you know 'bout this place?" I ask him.I've always use this room on my own from my first year till now and never in my life someone has come to this room.To be truth,it kinda annoying.

"I hear from my dad who once a student in this school,"he replies."Do you always have recess here?"he asked.

"You can say like that,"I answer."I've been using this room from my first year till now.Alone.Till you came.I always here after school to do my homework and sometimes at the holiday too,"

Well,this kinda fun.Talking to someone.But I didn't really like to talk so much.I open my note book to memorize History.

"Wow,you really love studying,don't you?"he says breaking the silence.I stare at him.

Then,his face blush a bit."W..what?"

"Nothing,"I reply."Well,to be truth I don't really like studying that much,"I open my bento and prepare my chopstik.

"What do you mean?"he ask and I look him.

Don't want to answer,I shove him my bento."Want some?I cook too much," I give him my chopstik.He took it nervously.

"Don't worry too much,"I said."I didn't put anything in there.Don't make a face like I want to poison you or something,."

"I'm not thinking that far,"he frowns.He took a bite of my tamagoyaki and chew it.Slowly at first but it became faster each second.

"Wow!You're a top student at school and you're even good at cooking!This is so delicious!"He said whie taking another one.Then he also try the karaage and my onigiri.

I just stare at him.This feeling,it's been a long time since someone ate my cooking.I remembered when mom and dad tasted my cooking and they praised me although it's taste horrible.

"You didn't brought any bento?"I ask while taking one of my onigiri.

"No,My mom and dad died when I was ten so I live alone and I'm not really a good cook.Well, I'm lazy too so I usually just buy lunch at the cafe,"he feed himself the karaage again and I just nod.Feeling a little bit guilty.

"Sorry about that."

"Nah,don't care 'bout it."

At first,I find him to be  annoying but at the second though,he's nice I guess.Well,better than I though.

But,I don't really like to make friends.It's bothersome and a waste of time.

When he finishes my bento,I wrap it back in my cloth and finished my lemon tea.There's still about 15 minutes before the recess over so I guess I will study over here for a while.

He turns around when he realizes I'm not going out."Ackerman?You're not coming?"

"No.I want to study for a bit.Well,This is like my own house you know.Just go without me,"I reply and focus on my book.


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