Chapter 7:Too much

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I open the door and let all of them get in my house.

"Wow!You live in an expensive apartment,Eren!Are you a rich kid or something?" Connie starts exploring my house from the living room till the bathroom.

"My dad is the one who is rich,not me." To be told the truth,my father is really too rich for us to live alone.He quickly bought me this apartment right after I told him I want to live alone.

"It's good to be a son of a rich people,huh." Reiner mumbles and that makes smile unconciously.

Yeah,I'm rich so what?I can't even make a girl I like to like me.

Then,I saw Bertolt explores my room and try to search for something with Reiner.

"I wish a had I room like you,Eren." Bertolt checked under my bed and then checked the wardrobe.

"What are you searching,Bertolt,Reiner?" I lean against the door while crossing my arms.

"Well,we just want to check if you are keeping some porn or not." Reiner smirk devilishly looking at me.

I smirk.Those perverts.

"Well,I don't like the 2D one.I just wanted the real one you know," I get in my room and get my phone on the bed.I forgot my phone today.

Then,I remember about Mikasa.I wonder what is she doing now?Is she still working?

She probably is.She did say that she can't come because she has to work tonight.

I grint my teeth when I remember about our fight this evening.

"Woah,that's dirty Eren!You're a man!" Connie laughs right after hearing my answer.

Bertolt and Reiner also join him.

Then,Sasha raises her hand."Um,everyone.I want to order some pizzas.Is there any request?Eren,what do you want?You're the star today."

I smile,"Anything is fine.Just order what you guys want."

"Well then,we've ordered two pizzas for our menu tonight.Of course,that are just one of the dishes.Eren,can we borrow your kitchen?Home cooking is  more fun and more delicious for party you know." Ymir asked while entering the kitchen.I nod.

"Sure.Go on.I'm glad you want to use it.I've never use it for the rest of my life here."

"You don't know how to cook?"Sasha asks while eating the tomatoes she stole from my fridge.

"Urmm,I'm not a really good cook but I don't think I'm that bad,maybe.My mom and my dad died when I still a kid so I don't really eat home cooking."I gasp,realizing that I said too much.

"Your parents died?" Connie ask.

"W..well,My mom is really dead but my father is still alive.But he's dead in my heart because it's been a long I don't talk to him and we didn't even meet after I live alone." I scratch my hairs that suddenly feel a little bit itchy while frowning,surprise by my own reason.Aren't my reasons are kind of overreacting?

Then,it become silent for about a second before Annie claps her hands,"Well then,lets start cooking now.It's almost dinner  guys."

All of us nod.

The girls start wearing the apron while the guys just sitting at the island table while talking of course with Sasha who is just eating.

"You guys,if you have time to talk,then help us a bit," Annie shoves the knife right at Bertolt's neck,making him 'eekkk'.

"Annie..," I murmur while smiling awkwardly.

"Oh!Of course you don't have to help Eren.Let us do all the works since you're my...I mean our prince for today." Annie gives me a smile that makes my smile became more awkward.


"No!I would like to help too.It uneasy when I'm relaxing while you guys are doing the work." I quickly speak up when she stared at me deeply.

It's kind of uncomfortable.

Christa asked me to cut the onions and I quickly agree.I try to cut onion nicely but it didn't turn out as I want.

"I think you have to find a girlfriend a real soon,Eren." Reiner said that right after he saw my cutting skill.

"Yeah,That's true.I think I have someone in mind already," I admit that in front of all of them and that makes all of them smirk except Annie.

"Really?who is it Eren?" Annie got up from her sit and look at me.Her eyes shining and looks like she's hoping for somethig that make me smile awkwardly.

"Hrmmm,someoe who is really special to me amd the only one who can makes my heart beat nervously just from the first time our eyes met."

"Well,we all know who she is,Eren." Ymir interrupts and all of them except Annie give me a smirk.

Annie looks confused but she just smiled.

"Yeah.I guess showed it too much,did I?" Before they can answer the bell rang and Sasha quicky got up from her sit.

"It must be the pizza!I'll go!"Sasha ran to the door and Christa followed her.

I continue to cut the onions when suddenly Sasha screams in joy.


Zapp!I quickly put the knife down and look behind and walk to the door.Then,My eyes meet her face.

She,with her uniform and a cap and two boxes of pizza on her right hand.

She looks shocked at first but she seems like she don't care and shoves the pizzas to Sasha.

"Your pizza is here." She acts like she don't know us and still doesn't realize that I'm watching.

Christa pay for the pizzas but then she said,"Mikasa,let's join us." Her voice seems like a  begging that makes me frown a bit.

"Sorry,I have work."

She coldly reply and I just sigh.Yes,she really has work.

"Don't worry.You work at Reiss's Pizza right?Someone I know is the owner of the shop so I will ask him if he can let you go for tonight." Christa's words make me feels like I want to jump to the moon.

"Christa sure knows lot of people."Connie mumbles and I look behind to see that the others are peeping at us.

She takes out her phone from the pocket and call the person.After a while,she nod and end the conversation.

"Mikasa,he gave you permission to not working tonight.He also that your salary is not going to be cut for tonight either.Isn't that great?" Christa smiles sweetly and that makes feel like dancing in the moon.

Yeay!Thank you goddes.

",that's not the main issues here.." She tries to explain but Sasha quickly drag her in with Christa.

She looks hesitate and finally give up when they drag her far from the door.

Our eyes meet.

I hear she pouts when passing me and I just smirk.

"We're cooking now.Just feel free to do anything." Connie says when all of us enter the kitchen.Mikasa just silent and stand there like a stone.

Sasha and Christa leave her and I walk to her and shake my hand in front of her face.


She just looks at my hand,looking a bit shock.

"Blood," Her words make me froze.Blood?

The others also look at us and I try to look at my hand.

"Wah!It's true!"I panic seeing the blood flowing through my hand.

Then I saw Reiner and others except Annie and Mikasa shake their heads looking at me.

"You really showed it too much,Eren." Reiner smiles.



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