twenty three

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((i suck i know heres a double update))

2 months.

I step out of my office, my heels clicking the floor.

Im about to go home when im stopped.

"Miss. Jung"


"You have someone here for you."

"Im about to head home, tell them to come back.'

"You really want to see them, trust me." I look at my secretaries expression and agree, following her to a small unused conference room.

Inside, sits Jung Hoseok. Shock hits me and i bow deeply.

"No need for that." He grins widely.

"What can i do for you?"

"Well, youre the first person who came to mind for this and i came to ask you if you would be willing to film a show with me and the rest of Bangtan. We need a girl for nearly every episode and for the ones we dont, you can be the MC. We just need a smart girl that looks good for camera and we thought of you."

"Oh wow. Really?"

He nods. "Shooting starts next week and goes for a little over a year. The first episode being aired in about 4 months and then ine a week after that for about a year."

"Um sure. Is shooting everyday?"

"Yes, feom 4am to 3pm. So you could come to work here afterward. But we dont work on Saturdays and only half on Sundays."

"I would have to think about it and talk to Seun- my workers about it."

"Great! Here is my number, text me when you decide, but we do need to know 2 days from now." He stands and bows, then leaves.

I take the paper, my heart pounding.

Theres no way im gonna say no.

I walk to mg secretary and tell her about. She tells me she will let everyone know as well as any clients that come in that i wont be here till 3 or 4 on weekdays.

I hurry home, excitment bubbling in my chest.

I barge in Seungcheol eatting chips on the couch.


He jumps up and hugs me, picking me up and spinning me.

"Thats so cool!"

I tell him everything and hes as excited as i am.

"But," He pouts. "That means i wont see you much."

"Youll see me at night." I say.

He shrugs. "I guess but uh... We are kind of going on tour soon. Ill be gone for 6 months."

The excitement leaves and my face falls. "Six months?"

"Yeah, i know. Im sorry. It jyst got announced today."

"When are you leaving?"

"Next week."

"Why didnt you tell me?" I whine.

"I was gonna but i knew you would be upset." He pouts.

We chat a little more and then head to bed.


At 3am, my alarm goes off, waking both me and Seungcheol up.

"Cheol, we have to go. You need to get to the airport." I shake him.

Today is my first day on set and the say Seungcheol and the boys go on tour in Europe and America.

So i decided i would drop him off at the airport to say bye to him and the boys before going to the set.

He groans and pulls me by thw waist back to him, burying his face in my shoulder.

"Come on." I laugh.

"I dont wanna goooo." He whines.

"You have to." I try to pry him off but he holds on tighter.

Finally he lets go and we get ready to go.


My nerves make it nearly impossible to sit still as  Hye Rin drives us.

My plan is to kiss her when i leave. I just want her to be here waiting for me when i come back.

I think ive fallen in love with her.

She pulls up to the airport, stepping out with me.

The other boys wait at the enterance, tired and bare faced, most wearing masks.

"Im only here to say good bye I have to hurry off." Hye Rin says, rocking on her feet next to me. "Goodbye kisses for all of you?"

The boys all perk up, nodding.

She goes down, pecking each of them on the cheek. When she reaches me i take my chance.

I take her cheeks in my hands, pressing my lips to her.

Surprisingly, she sinks into the kiss. The boys hoot around us.

I feel her small hands trail up my chest as mine trail to her hips, pulling her to me.

Our lips move in sync and im complete. Ive wanted this for so long and it feels grear that she didnt reject me.

"Okay," I feel a hand between us. "No more."

I look to see Joshua.

I grin, knowing my cheeks are red and when i look at her, her face is very red.

I lean down and peck her lips again and then whisper, "Wait for me."

She nods.

We seperate and she waves goodbye.

I cant wipe the grin from my face.


the leader • choi seungcheolWhere stories live. Discover now