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Double update because ily :)

The next day, i leave the office and walk to the cafe to see the familiar attractive boy sitting inside.

We greet each other and sit.

"So, tell me about yourself." i say, sipping the hot tea he ordered for me.

"Well, im 23 and i work at a ramen shop about 2 blocks over with my dad. I like to exercise and im pretty cliche as well. Ive lived here my whole life. My mom passed when i was 8 from cancer "

"Sorry for your loss. I am the owner of Jung Law Office, being Jung Hye Rin. I used to dance a lot and i dont have parents but my older brother treats me well. My best friends are Jen and the boy group Seventeen. I dont really know much of the popular thingd like music nowadays. Im 22. And i dont actually date that much.'

The next hour is spent filled with laughter and ive come to like Junyeong a lot. Hes very sweet and handsome and i think i could do this a lot.

Finally we go to part ways.

"Would you like to go on another date, tomorrow? Its Saturday so im off." He suggests.

"Sure, pick me up from my building around 6?" I ask.

He nods and we go different ways.

Wow, that was actually nice.


When i get home, Seungcheol is passed out on the sofa.

He looks sweaty and exhausted, his shirt with sweat lines and face shiny.

"Seungcheol...' I shake him awake.

"What?" He groans.

"You should go to your room. Sleeping here isnt good for your muscle. " I say

"Where did you go today?" He asks. sitting up. "Joshua says you had a date."

"I did."

"Was he nice?" He asks, stretching and stripping his shirt.

Ive gotten used to this over the time.

"Very. We are going out tomorrow again."

He gives me a slightly questioning look. "Dont let him do anything. Im not scared to punch someone."

"Oh shut it. Youre overprotective. " I scruff his sweaty hair and head to my bedroon.

A little bit later i hear to shower turn on.

Why is he using my shower?

Whatever, he better not leave a mess cause i want a shower too.

While i wait, i set up my tv to watch a new drama and find a 50 something episode one with 1 hour long episodes called My Father is Strange that i decide on.

The water turns off so i gather my things and head to ths hallwayI wait outside the door which surprisingly opens alrsady to reveal Seungcheol

I almost drop my clothes.

What the fuck.

His hair dripping water down and a towel seung around his hips are the first things i notice. And then i see his torso.

His torso has bruised everywhere.

His chest acrually has a ling gash as well.

I do drop my things and reach my. hands to his still damp upper body

"Woah." Seungcheol says, backing up.

"Choi motherfucking Seungcheol what the fuck happened?"

"Its nothing. Im alright." He states, trying to walk away.

I try to only focus on the bruises and cut buts its hard when he had this kind of body.

To stop him, i use both of my hands, wrapping them just above the towel on his hips which makes him freeze.

"Dont," His breathing stutters, "Touch there." His eyes are wide as he holds my wrists and moves them away.

"Um... Sorry.." I realize that might be a... sensitive spot.

"Im really fine, Hye, its just practice." He says.

"Youve lost a lot of weight. How does practice do this?" I say. sympathy reaching my voice. "Come here, lets go sit down. "

He sighs "Let me put on pants."

I nod and head to the living room to wait.

He comes back, his hair still dripping onto his chest but he wears shorts.

He sits next to me but i stand.

"Lay down, let me look."

He does so and i kneel next to him.

I notice his fast breathing as my.fingers examine the harsh bruises.

"How did this happen?" I ask.

"I fell a few times. And i guess the dances makes my veins break." He says. "This happens a lot."

"And this?" I point to the cut on his chest.

He gulps. "I did that. I was cutring a box and slipped, cutting through my shirt."

"Seungcheol.. how much do you weigh?"

He shrugs.

"Youve definitely lost weight. Hell, i see you shirtless enough to be able to tell." He sits up a bit and i sit next to him, patting my lap. He places his head on my thighs and i look down at him, running my fingers through his wet hair, knowing its soothing.

"I need to look for my fans." His eyes are closed.

"Seungcheol you looked fine how you were. You were a very healthy weight with a great body. You looked good."

"I didnt feel good."

I sigh. "Please eat more. How about i make or buy you food every night from now on and we eat dinner together okay? That way i know you at least get one meal."

He agree and opens his eyes. "You arent as heartless as i thought."

"Im pretty mean and cruel i know. But not to people i like."

He smiles.

I continues to pet his hair and soon, he turns on his side ajd i feel his arms squirm under my legs and the other hug my thighs.

This bitch is cuddling my legs.

I smile and trace small patterns on his shoulders and back.

I know hes asleep so i lean my head back on the sofa and fall asleep too, now caring about how eet my skirt is from his hair or how uncomfortable it is.


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