7) Possession

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On The Road

Aaron- "So where is our next location?"

Zak- I hand out the files. "Our next location is in New Orleans."

Billy- "Really? We haven't been there in awhile..."

Zak- (Hums) "The location we have been asked to investigate is the Bourbon Orleans Hotel."

Jay- I look up from the file to Zak. "Won't there be guests present?"

Zak- "Yes, which means this investigation will be done isolation style."

Levi- "Cool!"

Zak- (Chuckles) I turn back to the file. "We have been called to the location by the owners daughter, whom is absolutely terrified."

Billy- (Frowns) "That doesn't sound good..."

Aaron- "Not at all."

Zak- I continue as if I haven't been interrupted. "There are numerous ghosts that reportedly haunt the Bourbon Orleans Hotel. A confederate soldier is said to roam the halls as well as the ghosts of nuns and children who died during the yellow fever epidemic when the hotel was being used as an orphanage. It is also claimed that a lone, ghostly dancer continues to whirl away in the hotel ballroom."

Levi- "These hindered sound friendly, why is the owners daughter terrified?"

Zak- "Because there seems to be something really dark that is not only attacking the guests, but is scaring them out in the middle of the night."

Jay- "Sounds Demonic."

Aaron- (Nods Agreeingly)

Zak- "That is my theory, now with that being said...we will all have a roommate. Aaron and Bacon, Jay and Levi, Billy you're with me." We relax the rest of the way to our location.

Bourbon Orleans Hotel

Kelly- I look up when a group of men appeared. "Hello!"

Zak- (Smiles) "Hello I'm Zak we talked on the phone. This is Aaron, Billy, Jay, Levi and Bacon...we are here to investigate."

Kelly- (Nods) "Um we do have guests, is that going to be a problem?"

Zak- "No...we need three of your most haunted rooms."

Kelly- I grab the keys for rooms 111, 133 and 166. "Here you go."

Zak- I take the keys and pay for the rooms. "We will let you know what we find out in 24hrs."

Kelly- (Nods) "Good luck."

Zak- Walking away and upstairs, I hand Jay and Aaron their room keys. "Good luck."

Billy- Zak and I disappear into our room.

Aaron- Bacon and I easily find our room and head inside.

Jay- Levi and I get to our room, opening the door we head inside.

Levi- Jay and I get settled into the room.

Third Person P.O.V- The GA crew set up their cameras, then lay about on the beds using different scientific equipment to capture anything paranormal related. After countless hours of getting a few Class A EVPs, running foot steps, children's laughter, a woman screaming, boots stomping and a door slamming...they all get ready for bed, falling into an uneasy sleep.


Jay- I'm startled awake and see a black shadow figure standing at the foot of my bed. (Gasps) I stand up only to feel a dark forceful energy take hold. (Groans Softly) Through a foggy haze the camera feed gets shut off and I find myself in the other bed, pinning the redhead down.

Levi- I'm startled awake and find myself pinned beneath Jays strong grip. (Gasps) "Jay..." I pull against his hold. "Let go."

Jay- Leaning down I connect my lips with his roughly.

Levi- (Groans) I submit and return the kiss.

Jay- Pulling away, I bite at his bottom lip. "Mine!"

Levi- I knew he was possessed and that this could cause us major trouble, but I didn't care. "Yours." It all turns into a blur of clothes being torn off, hands and teeth digging into flesh, curses slipping off tongues and bodies tangling in a heated passion.

Next Day

Jay- I roll over unto my back and rub at my eyes. "What the fuck happened?"

Levi- I curl around the pillow. (Groans)

Jay- Leaning up on my elbow, I admire the body beside me. "Did I do that?" Levi was covered in bruises.

Levi- "Yes, but considering you were possessed..."

Jay- I gently run my hand up his spine, soothing the pain away.

Levi- "Next time you want to sleep with me, can you not be influenced by a Demon?"

Jay- "Ya...I'll uh keep that in mind for next time." I think for a few moments. "Want to be my boyfriend?"

Levi- I turn to look at him. "Ya, Jay." Before anything else can be said there is a knock at our door.

Jay- "Looks like it's time to regroup." We get up, showered and dressed. After packing up all the gear and giving back the room key, we head on out to the RV.


Bacon- I get myself some coffee and sit in the drivers seat with my book, waiting on the cue that we are leaving.

Aaron- I get myself some breakfast.

Jay- I curl up on the couch with Levi.

Levi- I lay against Jay eating some breakfast.

Billy- I sit at the table going over the evidence and notice at 3:00am that the camera feed for Jay and Levi's room is turned off. "What the Hell?"

Zak- I get myself some coffee then sit beside Billy at the table. "What?"

Billy- I show Zak.

Zak- I look from the recorded feed over to the two cuddled on the couch. (Hums Thoughtfully) "It was probably shut of by the Demon."

Billy- I give Zak a disbelieving look. "Right, shut off by the Demon." I notice the same thing Zak did and that there was definitely something going on between Jay and Levi.

Zak- I go talk to Kelly about what we encountered, after that we all settle about the RV and Bacon drives us home.

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