Chapter Twenty Five✔️

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Chapter Twenty Five: That Shit Pretty Solid

"I'M tired," Aaliyah mumbled, staring at Khaiyon. He groaned, trying his best not to say anything rude or out of the way to her. Things between the two haven't been the best since she found out that he was a part of buying and selling women and that most of the business actually belonged to him.

She demanded he tell her why his house was crowded with so many women a few weeks ago and they seemed to keep coming. It was then when she finally put two and two together and understood what was going on.

It's been rough for them since. "You will be fine for another twenty minutes," he stated, not bothering to look at her. "Almost done."

"Khaiyon, seriously. My eyes are-"

"Then sit in the fucking chair and close your eyes, damn!" he interrupted, growing tired of her complaining. She looked at him surprised, but angry that he was yelling at her and all she wanted was to go to sleep. "Go sit," he repeated, pointing to the chair in the corner.

Aaliyah's lips formed a thin line as she walked over and sat in the chair, staring out the window. The room fell silent for a long while. He hated yelling at her, but all he needed was for her to sit tight for only an hour more, maybe even less, and they would be good to go.

After a few more minutes, his voice filled her ears. "I'm sorry," he mumbled, looking at her. "I didn't mean to yell at you."

She remained silent, not bothering to say a word, her eyelids becoming heavy for the fourth time so far. All she wanted was a bed and a blanket and she could forget he even yelled at her.

Someone knocked on the door, causing Aaliyah to jerk awake and seconds later, Martavius appeared in the doorway. "It's done, she should be good," he stated before disappearing out of the room again.

Khaiyon sighed, leaning back in his chair and staring at his computer. "It would be just my luck he actually kept a rep on you," he mumbled, shaking his head.

"What?" Aaliyah asked, looking at him.

He turned and looked at her. "Lucas kept your representation, proving that you were one of the girls he had purchased," he explained. "We had to get in his computer and get rid of everything, but he had all his shit encrypted. It's all settled though."

"What does that mean?" she asked, looking at him confused.

He leaned forwards and began typing a few things on his computer before turning back to her. "It means that you were never bought nor sold. You're a free woman now."

Slowly it began to dawn on her and she frowned, looking at him. "I'm sorry," she mumbled. "I didn't know that's what you were doing."

Shrugging, he stood and walked to the door, motioning for her to follow him. "Don't worry about it." They walked out into the hall and he turned, locking the door before putting his arm around her and leading her down the long, dark hallway. It was time to close up shop. "Hey," he spoke, catching her attention. She looked up and he caught her lips with his, kissing her slowly. When he pulled away, he noticed the tiny smile threatening to stretch wide across her face. "I love you," he whispered, staring into her dark brown eyes.

Aaliyah searched his eyes, her sights falling onto his lips. "Kiss me again?" she asked, biting her lip. He nodded before leaning down and kissing her again. "I love you, too," she whispered, closing her eyes and smiling softly.

He kissed her forehead and opened the door for her. "Ready to go home?" he asked. She nodded and they climbed into his car.

"Hey, Khaiyon?" she asked. He looked at her momentarily, waiting for her to continue. "When do I go home?" she asked. "Like, my actual home?" she asked, not daring to look at him. Her heart began to pace as she waited for him to answer.

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