Chapter Six✔️

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Chapter Six: Define Fine

HE slid his arms into his blazer and stared himself down in the mirror, fairly pleased with himself. What was there not to love about the chocolate beauty that stared back at him?

"Okay, you've been staring at that mirror for almost an hour. And if I'm not mistaken, you've had on four different suits since I've last checked on you," one of Killian's closest friends said, leaning against the door to Killian's room. "What's going on?"

"I don't know, man. I'm headed down to Vanderwaal's today."

His eyebrows furrowed as he looked at his best friend. "Lucas?" he laughed. "I had to force you out of this door last night to go see the man and now you're up at 8 in the morning, which has never happened before, might I add, to go see Lucas Vanderwaal?"

Killian sighed, taking his tie off. "It's different this time. I'm on a mission."

"Business with Lucas? Have you lost your mind? Or has it just been absent for a while and just now returning?" he joked.

"Look, Nate, I don't know how to explain it."

"Try me."

He sat down on his bed, staring at the mirror. Nathaniel watched his friend worriedly. He had never seen Killian so affected before. He could tell something was bothering him. "I might have gotten the help beaten last night. Maybe even killed. I have to go make sure she's okay."

Nathaniel laughed aloud without meaning to before looking at his best friend. Killian only stared at his reflection. "The help?" he asked. "They're replaceable. Besides, if she's working for Lucas, trust me, she's no good. Might as well throw her out with the trash. They're walking sperm banks."

"Yo, don't talk about her like that. She's different. There's something about her."

"The help? There's something about the help? So did you even try to scope out some rich bitch you can have dance on you for the night and be on her way? You were playing with the help?"

"I was trying to help her."

"Help her what?" He was looking at Killian as though he had lost his mind. He was hoping he wasn't saying what he thought he was saying. "Help her escape?" Nathaniel asked in disbelief.

There was no helping anyone. Once you're in that's that. The only way out is in body bags in shallow graves, miles away from home.

"Nathaniel, it's not like th-"

"It sounds like that's exactly what you're trying to tell me," Nathaniel interrupted. "Clarissa!" he yelled, snapping his fingers. Seconds later, a young girl came rushing into the room with a glass of orange juice and a plate of bacon. "You haven't tried to help her," he pointed out.

Killian sighed, looking at the girl. "Nate-"

"Help her, Killian!" Nathaniel snapped, pushing the girl to the floor. Killian immediately stood, staring at the helpless girl. All she could do was lie there and do as she was told. "Help her!"


"You haven't tried to help her or anyone else that works here. But you go to another man's house and try to help his. Do you have any idea what that will do to our business, huh? We can't sell the women and try to help them escape hours later!"

"It's not like that, Nate. She needs my help."

"And you didn't think she needed your help while you shoved your dick down her throat almost every night?" He grabbed her by her hair and snatched her to her knees. "What about when you forced her on her back in that very bed and fucked her until she was sore and pleading you to stop? Or when we have our boys over-"

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