I frown from her words, "How did you know I've been wanting to work on a case?"

Angela giggles at me as she leans back in her chair with her arms crossed.

"I can see the fire in your eyes, Hana. I would've given you a case on the first week if I was your chief. But...sadly I'm not." Angela sighs and shakes her head. "Just keep up the good work Hana. If Jack doesn't give you a case by the time my break is over, I'm taking you into my team."

I widen my eyes from her words but no words form from my lips. I bow to her, a habit from living in Korea so long, Angela giggles.

"No need to be so polite." Angela says as she looks back at the clock. "You should go meet up with everyone else, I don't want to take up anymore of your time."

I nod to her and quickly rush off to the elevator, heading to the office. The elevator doors nearly closing as I dash forward, ready to put my hand out to stop the door. To my surprise someone else has already pushed the doors back open.

A muscular tall figure with jet black hair and emerald green eyes with a smirk on their face stares at me.

"Good morning, cadet." The husky tone greets my ears as my cheeks turn a soft pink. I give an awkward nod to the assistant chief, Genji Shimada. He tilts his head to the side. "Are you coming in or do you want to wait for the next elevator?"

I nervously walk into the elevator as he drops his hand back to his sides, stuffing them in his dress pants. The ride up completely awkward for me as I keep my head low. I can feel the intimidation oozing off of him as I inch a bit closer to the elevator walls.

Genji seems to notice from the corner of his eye as he chuckles to himself. He doesn't say a word as the sound of a 'ding' from the elevator tells us we've arrived. Genji motions his hand forward for me to get off first as he follows behind me.

"Ah, there you are." A deep voice from across the office says towards the two of us. Jack walks towards Genji; already busily talking about a case as I inch my way towards my desk. I place my things down and sigh as I sit in my chair.

"Whats with that deep sigh?" A British accent greets my ears as I turn to my left to see Lena Oxton, my higher up by two years. "Did you have a rough morning already?" She inches her rolling chair towards me as she places her hand on her cheek and rests her elbow on my desk.

I shake my head. "Just a bit embarrassed having assistant chief Genji hold the elevator door for me."

Lena chuckles beside me. "That's what you're sighing about? I thought something worse happened. Don't sweat the small things."

Jack and Genji walk towards the white board as Jack clears his throat, getting everyone's attention.

My eyes following the muscular man with blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes.

How did someone as young as him become a Chief?

I'm not listening to a word he says as he greets the team with a good morning.

Jack grabs a marker and starts to assign jobs for the day. I hold my breath in praying Jack won't have me working tedious tasks again. But as I see him write my name, the words miscellaneous is beside it once more.

"Alright, everyone clear on what they're doing today?" Jack's voice booming as the team shouts back with a 'yes sir'.

I slump in my chair as Lena pats my back.

"Maybe next time. I'll be off in the lab looking at the evidence I found yesterday if you need someone to talk to." Lena says as she winks at me. She grabs a folder and walks towards the laboratory leaving me alone at my desk.

[Discontinued] Unexpected & Forbidden || D.va x GenjiTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang