Day 3:

14 0 0

Location: Military Base 6, Manhattan, New York.

Earth's army was getting ready for the next invasion to start. Unlike the times before, this time they would wait for the Arganians to attack them instead of the other way around.

Miles was in the middle of head-counting his soldiers:

"James Forester?"


"Johnathon Murdock?"


"Logan Adams?"


"Timothy Osborn?"


"Derrick Monroe?"


"Kyle Jones?"

Nobody answered, Miles repeated himself; this time catching the attention of another squad.

"Kyle Phillip Jones??"

Still no response. Miles looked up from the list of people he was reading off of.

"Come on guys? Where's Kyle?"

"Sir, we don't know."

"Huh, my own army lying to me, who would have thought?"

He walked up to one of his soldiers and spit-yelled in his face.

"How stupid do you think I am? Where's Kyle!"

"They took him, sir." said one of the soldiers he hadn't called yet.

"What do you mean they took him?"

"The Arganians, sir. We could have gone back to save him but we never would have made it out alive if we had, sir."

"You mean to tell me, that Kyle Jones has joined  the thousands of Earth soldiers who have been abducted?!?"

"Yes...yes, sir." He mumbled.

That was the eighth member of his new squadron that had been abducted. His old squadron was attacked, the Arganians killed 10 of them, and abducted almost all the rest of them. It wasn't his fault, though. It had happened to others way more than him before. 

Miles was about to scream in outrage. But instead, he took a deep breath, and calmly told his soldiers there next mission, not even bothering to finish role call.

"Well, in that case. I guess that means we'll just have to get him back."

"Sir?" Johnny said, "Are you saying we go on their ship!?!"

"No one gets left behind Johnny, not anymore!"

"Oh god."

"Pack your things, boys, we leave in a half an hour."

"Sir, yes, sir!" This army responded simultaneously.

Ed caught up to Miles and gave him a letter as all of Miles's soldiers went separate ways to get their things.

"Hey Miles, this came in the mail. Says it's for you."

"Thanks, Ed."

Ed turned around and walked to his tent as Miles approached his.

"Hey, say hi to Annie and your boy for me!" Ed yelled from a distance.

"I will mention you, Ed, now go find your squadron."

Ed jogged off towards the barracks. Meanwhile, Miles sat down and wrote back to his family.

From: Lieutenant General (LTG) Miles L. Watson

To: Annie and Rodney Watson

Location: Russell, Kansas

Dear Annie,

There are several reasons why I haven't been able to stay in contact with you over the past two years, but there's one big, overall, lesson learned experience: One of the generals here sent a letter to his wife and kids telling them he was okay. But before the letter could be sent, the Arganians attacked us. They took the letter and located that address on the letter. There was nothing anyone could have done to prevent what happened. His family was abducted. Ever since then, I realized it was too dangerous to respond to your letters. And for that I am truly sorry. But I did it to protect you. But now I might lose contact with you again. And that's because me and team are going to the one place no other lieutenant has dared to go before: the place where they keep putting the humans they abduct. I'm going to get them back, Annie. All of them. Every single one of them.

Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. We do this kind of reckless stuff all the time over here. And I know my soldiers are strong enough to handle whatever comes our way up there. I'm not trying to sound cocky, but... we got this in the bag. At least I hope.

Another one of my soldiers was abducted during our last mission yesterday. Found out this morning during roll call. Honestly I never would have noticed that Kyle Jones.. Kyle Phillip Jones was missing... not if it weren't for that stupid roll call. That roll call is one of the only things that is in order around here right now. Everybody's got a plan, but nobody listens to each other... so there's no REAL plan. We are fighting as of right now with our only strategy: Stay back behind enemy lines. Wait for them to come to you. Then take as many out as you can... Its stupid... it's ridiculously stupid. We should be out there fighting. We should be the ones attacking them. We need to get off of defense and switch to offense for a change. And I'm so sick of watching my soldiers being kidnapped and taking to that mother-ship hovering in the sky that we go to bed staring at every night.

But out of everything that's here. Everything that we are fighting for. Getting to once again talk to you and Rodney makes it worth every bit of it. And just to let you guys know, you are all that I fight for.

-Love, Miles
Oh and P.S. Ed says hi.

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