Volume 1: Prologue

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"Good night Mistress!" Kaneko's friends from her class said as she walked off. "click, click, click"  her shoes echoed as they connected to the cement side walk, getting goose bumps as the chilled air caressed her skin. She pulled her coat tighter, trying to warm herself as her breath twisted as a faded cloud in the air. The dark night was wide as the sky was almost cloudless, the moon showing eerily above her as it released just enough light for a slight fill of the objects she passed on her walk home. She touched the handle of her front door with her bare hand, the cold of the metal that had been exposed to the surrounding atmosphere sending a chill up her body. She opened the screen door, it creaked as she went for the second door and opened it. Her mind was filled with thoughts as she walked into the dreary empty house, not looking up as she knew the surrounding all to well. She took her shoes off and than her coat, putting it into the closet to her side, suddenly her heart stopped, hearing something she never would have expected, a small moan behind her, as if someone had started stirring from their sleep. She stopped, frozen in the position of reaching for her closet door handle. She tried to move but her feet felt bolted to the floor with fear. She finally built up the courage to turn around and to her surprise found the room was a mess (at least... more than usual), everything out of the place it was when she had left that morning. Suddenly, she saw the source of the sound, a small boy, laying on her carpeted floor, quit bare. But there was something different about him, something odd and she may never know what happened or why he was there but she knew one thing, this boy was special. His pure white tail twitched as his wolf like ears slowly perked from their resting position. He sat up yawning and stretching before he rubbed his eyes, looking up at her and slowly and tiredly smiling.

"Hi mistress" He smiled with a sweet grin as he crossed his legs, and at that moment, Kaneko knew her life would never be the same again.

I.N.K. (Inu No Kaneko) | Original Kemonomimi Light NovelWhere stories live. Discover now