When we Thought Things couldnt Turn more Bad

Start from the beginning

Dec hugged Ant tightly before letting him stand up. "I am so sorry mate", Ant rubbed his reddening cheek slowly and shuffle his hair much to his annoyance. After giving a cheeky wink, he walks out of the room.
Dec could hear voices outside and a moment later, Ali enters.

"Ali.. I.."

He didn't had to complete his sentence as she did it for him. She took his face in her hands and kissed his salty lips letting him pour in all struggles and reliefs of the day.


Ant had come out of his room not only because he wants to leave his friend with his wife for some time but also because there was something or rather someone important waiting outside.

"How is he?" Stephen asked when he came out

"Tired, emotional, can't blame him".He rubbed his face and forehead in exhaustion.

"Here you go" Stephen offers him a glass of water.

"Thanks mate not only for this but for everything you did for us today"

"Come on Ant.."

"No Stevey, I cant think what would have happened if you hadn't thought about Declan. If you had not held him to you while he broke down on stage, I don't know what could have happened to him. It kills me each time to think of that"

"Then don't think Ant,  and  I was standing in the opposite wing. I clearly saw his broken face and I just acted to my instinct. If I hadn't reached there, someone else would have done that"

"No Stephen, you gave him the comfort I was bound to give at that moment. You held him to your chest while he cried for me. I can't be more thankful". Ant felt tears in his eyes and turned his head to hide it from Stephen.

"You are my friend Ant, both of you. And I honestly regret holding him" Stephen smirks showing him a purple bruise on his arm.

Ant laughed at that "He could be rather violent sometimes"


Ant shocked Stephen by pulling him in for a hug. "Thank you Stevey, for everything". Ant said tightening his hold.

"Its okay Ant. I know"

"Do you think we gave them both enough privacy for one day? We have to discuss things" .

Stephen was about to barge in when Ant said "Knock, nonsense"

Stephen laughed at that and knocked
"Come in.. " they heard Dec and entered to find the owner of the voice sitting on the couch with his arms wrapped around Ali.

Stephen couldnt help being jealous of that. "Someone's feeling cozy today.  Oh how I regret myself for being single". Dec gives him a stern unamused look and shifts his eyes to show him who he was with. Stephen literally bite his tongue ,glad that Ant didnt see the short eye to eye conversation.

Dec got up from his seat and hugged Stephen. "Thank you Stevey"

"Come on you lot. Stop thanking me. It's embarrassing you know"

"Yeah that's why we are doing it nonsense " Dec grinned at him

"Unbelievable "

"So, what are we going to do? I am sure the press will be typing all sort of stories by now. How can we show people the real story. Or should we?" Ali piped in

"I think we should. It's safer to tell the truth than watch the press roast us". Dec said, looking at Ant.

"Are you okey with that Decs?"

"Come on Ant.. didnt I just say we have to do that?"

"But how can we do that?"

"Err guys.. I might have something to confess to you lot. I hope you don't take me wrong"

"Shoot it out Stevey" , Ant said placing a hand on his shoulders

"When you guys were in your own bubble out there, I saw cameras looking up eager to capture it all. And I did something rather weird.
I asked Roy to shoot it all so that no one could make any stories out of it"

Ant, Dec and Ali looked at Stephen in shock. Suddenly Ali hugged him close and thanked him in earnest. "You are an Angel Stevey" . Stephen blushed a little at that. "I think we should do something with it before the paps could do anything"

Suddenly Rachel blurted into the room. "Uhh Sorry..but.."

"What is it Rachel? you here?"

"Yeah Ali I tried to call you . Where are your phones? Do you know what is happening now?"

"What is it Rachel?" Ant asks worriedly.

"Some people had sold the footages of your fight to the papers. Twitter is down on its heels.. Memes of Ant slapping Dec is everywhere!!
The response is terrible and ITV was on our phone asking an explanation. Social media is in a wreck. Evening tabloids are printing the stories of your fight. We couldn't stop it.
The whole nation wants to know what happened"

She said looking at the ashen faces in front of her

"You better get some explanation done"



Thank you so much for your support. Glad that the story is evolving itself😊😊😊

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