Chapter 10

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    Is love evil? Is family always going to have your back or leave in fear? Why may life be so sad but also be so filled with joy? All there are is questions in life but do they all get answered? Will we ever know will we.

May 13,1420

Dear diary,

    Well I think that me and Elijah almost kissed. I just can't stop thinking about it we looked in each others eyes and I could see everything and feel everything like all his pain and all the suffering but the joy and good times he has had and I felt that the time we spent together was just the beginning and the start of something new. What if I was to get with Elijah would Niklaus never forgive me or what if I was to get with Niklaus would Elijah ever forgive me or ever talk to me again or should I stop falling in love with both I keep questioning myself over and over again. I have not been able to sleep well and now I found out Mk and everyone is dead because the Mikaelsons always see to that. They always say cut off any loose ends you have and never hold on to something to close because it will be too hard to let go but however am I going to be able to let my brothers and my friends go and just say goodbye like that because all I have to say is they always stuck together and everything and did not say goodbye Finn, Elijah, Klaus, Kol, and Rebekah all still one big happy family. How did I get this way one day I was a little girl and now I am eighteen and a vampire what a life I am living. Maybe after this is done and over with I can leave and explain everything to Damon and live a happy life until he gets to old and dies on me but it is a better life with him in it then with him out of it.

    Ally got up and walked out the door and went outside. She felt the warm air hit her body so lightly it sent shivers down her spine. Under the willow tree she sat and listened to the birds in the tree. Niklaus came out and sat down beside her and said; if there was anything he could do to make her not mad at him anymore what could he do and the funny thing is Ally was not mad at him but just didn't want to fall in love with him but she played along like she still was. Ally told Klaus that if he wanted to make her happy and stop beginning mad at him he would take her on a road trip and let everyone have a little fun. He looked at Ally and said; okay well then that is what we shall do. With a big smile on her face she couldn't wait for it. Not knowing that Elijah was standing at the door he said; out loud well we need to start packing I know where we should go. After everything was packed and put in the carriage and Ally, Niklaus, Rebekah, and Elijah was already but no one knew where Elijah had planned for them to go to on their road trip. Late that next day they had finally arrived at the old house in Arkansas Rebekah jumped down and said; man do I love this place but one of these days this place needs to be fixed up. Elijah told Rebekah that she could clean it up and fix it up if she wanted to and with her light loud voice she said; what in the bloody hell are you thinking does that sound like me but Ally knew Rebekah had everyone to do her dirty work for her.

    That night they were setting around a fire and Ally said; well how about we start something like every time we all get together we set a fire and do something but what should we do? They all thought and finally said; they should write down their wish and then burn it. So they all wrote down their wishes and threw them in the fire. That night they had all fell asleep outside and while everyone was fast asleep Ally had a dream but this dream was a dream that was so real.

    Rebekah woke that morning and saw that Ally was not where she fell asleep at, she woke up the boys and asked where did she go but they as well did not know. Niklaus went and took one dress out of Ally's stuff and took a good smell and tracked Ally miles and miles away from where she had fell asleep at. In the woods fast asleep they ran to her and woke her up but when she woke she looked at them with her eyes this golden color and said; in a deep voice I will kill, I will kill them all and laughed. Eventually she came to and looked around and had no idea what was going on. They all got back to the house and Rebekah sat down beside Ally and looked at her in her eyes and asked what in the bloody hell is wrong with you. With so many questions their main one was would it happen again.

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