Chapter 13

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The sun shone brightly as The young girl clung tightly to her mother's hand. Laughter and happy voices filled the cool November air as the crowds of tourists and locals pushed their way around blonde haired girl stared at the Japanese style surrounding before looking back to see where they had just come from. It was her first time at Epcot in Disney and she was blown away with the World Showcase. Her family had already seen half of the countries surrounding the large lake and had finally stopped in the faux Japan.

"Look hunny, we are in Japan!" The tall blonde woman, her mother declared loudly to the girl who was awe-struck.

The child's grin grew as her hazel gaze quickly flew over each of the larger buildings. She took in each of the wonderful sights around her and only draw to a stop when she say the bright red pillars in the water just by the edge of the lake. The pillars look like a giant rectangle that had the bottom side submerged into the water. It also have two small pillars in front of It was truly a sight to see. However the girl noticed everybody was just walking past it, not giving it a second glance except for one man who stood at the edge of the pavement and stared up at it.

The man seemed hard for the girl see clearly but something told the girl to go over to him. Looking quickly at her distracted mom, she slipped her small hand from her's and walking over to the man.

His back was facing her and he didn't seem to notice her approach him. Slowly she tugging on the edge of the man's long jacket with just enough effort to have the man look at her in surprise.

"Oh hello there." The man's face lit up as he knelt down in front of the girl. "Who might you be?"

"I-I'm Saman-pha" she stated mispronounce the last part in her name.

A quiet chuckle came from the man, as he gave her a humble grin.

"Well it's nice to meet you, Samantha. My name is _"

The young girl tilted her head, not understanding what the man said but quickly ignored it. Her curiosity got the better of her and looked to the lake once more.

"Umm Mister, what is that red thing in the lake you were staring at?"

The man's gaze turned to his left where he saw the pillars the girl was talking about. His curious gaze fell onto the girl who seemed nervous but excited to know about the structure.

"That is a gate."

"A gate? But it's not shiny or have a lock."

Another amused chuckle came from the man as he shook his head.

"It's called a shrine gate, they mark the entrance of sacred land."

The young girl gaze turned to the structure in awe, her little hazel eyes felt transfixed on it.

The man watched her with his head cocked, she was very strange little girl.


He watched the young girl jump and whip around to face the blonde hair woman who was making her way toward them.

"What have I told you about running off! You could of been taken or gotten hurt." Clearly the mother of the young girl cried as she came over to the young girl.

"I'm sorry mommy. I just wanted to ask him what the red thing was." Samantha whined, her tiny hands clamped down on the edge of the man's jacket.

The mother's eyes fell onto the man, who gave her a goofy grin before turning to her daughter.

"Well say goodbye to him, we have to get back to your dad."

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