Chapter 6

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Hey guys, I'm back and here to update the new chapter of Nightmare or Reality, for you. I have done something a bit different in this chapter and have change up the perspective a bit and went from 1st to 3rd. Please let me know if  like it and if you want me to keep it through out the story. Enjoy!

A yawn came from the exhausted human as she turned slowly on the lavish bed that she fallen asleep on. In a sleepy haze the girl slowly sat up, rubbing her eyes softly to adjust the now dry contacts stuck to her eyeballs. A groan fell from her lips as she absentmindedly made her way off the bed only to trip on the long dress that she was still wearing.

As she steadied herself, panic arose within her while her gaze darted around the now familiar room. She scanned the room quickly before darting over to the bathroom where her fears were reaffirmed.

Slowly she took in the half awake reflection of herself in the same outfit that she believed to be from her crazy realistic dream. Unfortunately her hopes of being in a dream were shattered when a knock came from the main room door.

Sam cautiously made her way back into the main room only to hear a knock once more followed by a familiar voice.

"Oh, Sammi-chan. I know you are awake so I'm coming in."

Sam's stomach dropped as the door opened to reveal Gin Ichimaru, sending a clear reminder that this wasn't fiction anymore.

"Well don't you look a bit disheveled this morning. Did you fall asleep in your clothes?" The smirking Captain asked the young woman who absentmindedly touched her bed ridden hair before making a move to reply.

"...I guess I did." 

Sam frowned as she slowly remembered how she laid up trying to hold back tears only to fail and cry herself asleep. As her memories rushed back to her so did her emotions which she quickly repressed not wanting to show weakness in front of this man.

"Hmm well, feel free to change once you have eaten for the morning. You can come in." Gin instructed to the half masked arrancar that stood just outside with a cart.

The young woman's hazel gaze fell on the new comer who quickly pushed the cart into the room before bowing toward them and making their way out again.

Before Sam could make a move toward the cart, she was stopped by Gin.

"Now eat up, Lord Aizen needs you to stay nice and healthy." The sly Captain remarked flashing a smirk toward the frowning girl.

She clearly was upset by the fact he had mentioned Aizen and it kind of spurred Gin on more.

"Oh and I would recommend staying away for the Espada's hall today, there is a bit of a commotion going on over there at the moment."

This choice of words made the young girl freeze and shot the silver haired man a curious glance.

"What happened?"

Gin wasn't surprised she would ask, she seemed to be a nosy one. Nevertheless he decided it was best to tell her and gauge her reaction.

"Well, it seems after the meeting,Grimmjow and his fraccions went to the world of the living and caused a bit of trouble." His gaze stayed on the girl as he continued, "The only one to return alive was Grimmjow, in result he lost his rank among...other things."

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