Chapter 7

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The walk to Sam's chambers was a quiet one, which surprised Sam to say the very least. She at least expected Gin to make a witty comment about what he had seen between her and Ulquiorra but then did anything really happen?

All she did was thank him, what did she expect to happen? That he suddenly would go against Aizen and rescue her from this hell hole. No it was wouldn't happen, so she need get her priorities in order and figure out a way herself.

Sam was pulled away from her thoughts as she bumped into Gin's back who had stopped suddenly. Quickly she skirted back and held her flushed face down as the ex-captain glanced back at her in surprise.

"Oh my it seems you failed to noticed we had stop." He commented failing to hide the playful smirk gracing his face. "Is someone's head up in the clouds?"

Sam's cheeks grew even redder as she mentally cursed herself for being a clumsy idiot.

"No Captain Ichimaru and I'm apologize for running into you."

A chuckle came from the snake like Captain as he fully turned to face the embarrassed girl.

"Don't look so embarrassed, it was simply an accident."

The woman stared up at the man, completely confused by his fluctuating attitude. Once again before she could even think of responding, he dropped the subject and opened the door on their right. As she glanced into her room, she failed to noticed Gin's gaze watch her carefully.

She clearly was entertaining thing to observe in this boring place and so far she hadn't failed his expectations of her.

He watched her hold back a sigh as she slowly made her way into the room. As Sam turned to look back at the sly Captain, she saw him beginning to close the door to lock her in for the night. Her green eyes connected with his for a brief moment and then he gave a huge smirk .

"Nighty night Sammi-chan." He hissed in a sinister tone that absolutely frighten Sam, luckily after he said that he closed the doors leaving her alone once more.

Still on edge about her situation, Sam tried to keep herself up throughout the night trying to come up with a plan to get out of there. Unfortunately since she was only human she fell short of that plan and fell asleep.

-N & R-

Sam awoke some hours late and stared up at the window that lingered on the wall to the left of her. It was still night but she felt like she had slept roughly eight hours, giving a quiet sigh she pulled herself out of bed and to the window.

Her gaze focused on the crescent moon that hung in the sky, even though she enjoyed the night she was begin to miss the daylight.

"No matter how long you stare, it won't ever become day."

Sam literally jumped at the comment and darted around to see an amused Gin lounging at the table.

"G-Gin..." She breathed, her hand clutching her chest in utter panic.

"My, did I frighten you? I thought it would take a lot more than that to startle you after you stood your ground yesterday." He explained, his smirk somehow getting bigger as he spoke.

Her panic was came to a dead stop as he said that, making her grow even more confused, "Wait.. what about yesterday?"

The sly captain sent her a knowing smirk before gesturing to the table, "Nothing to concern yourself about, now why don't you come and sit down. There is a meal here for you."

Sam stared at Gin, narrowing her eyes slightly as she took a weary step toward him.

"Now come I promise, I won't bite Sammi-chan." He joked, giving a small chuckle that in Sam's eyes didn't seem friendly.

Nightmare or Reality?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن