Chapter 2

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The spiritual weight I felt on my shoulders and the feeling of being observed vanished the second we had stepped out of the room.

"Well that was interesting wasn't it, Sammi-Chan."

My gaze darted to the silver haired man, who was looking over his shoulder at me with a huge smirk. I swallowed my nerves and quickly looked away, before finding my voice and speaking up.                        

"...Why are you calling me that?"

"I'm sorry?" He questioned, drawing to a stop and turned to face me.

I quickly drew to a stop as well and stared the man up and down who seemed curious about my question. I tugged the edge of my shirt slightly while keeping my gaze on the sly Captain before repeating myself.

"Sammi-Chan...Why are you calling me that?...It's a bit random..." 

He seem to blink in surprise before breaking into a mischievous smirk once more, "Is that so? Would you prefer if I called you Samantha-San?"

I felt my face fall at his reaction before giving a bit of a face, " I-Then I'm calling you Sammi-Chan. Now, in we go."

I blinked at the sudden change of topic and how he opened a door open to our right before making his way in, only to leave me in the hallway utterly confused.

"Now, as Captain Aizen said this will be your room and you will find everything you need here." He began to explain only to pause and turn back to me, "Well...come on in here, Sammi-Chan."

A frown fell on my lips as I slowly made my way into the all white room that was decorated surprisingly well. The room was all white but it held a nice sized couch to the left wall, a table and chairs to the end of it, a decent sized dresser near the right wall which was in front of a very lavious queen sized bed. The room was also fairly lit and also had the light from the moon outside coming in as well.

I was shocked by the pure size of the room and what was scattered around it, it was clear that this room was specifically made for me. It even surpass Orihime's room from what I knew from the series and it just made me even more curious about why Aizen was interested in me.

"There is a set of clothes for you on the bed and in the bathroom are some of your personal belongings. I'll leave you now to get dressed, we must be off to the meeting soon so I advise you to not longue about." Gin explained making his way to the door once more and making me turn to him in shock.

" have my personal belongings? B-But how?" I asked completely shock and creeped out.

"Yes, it was what Captain Aizen asked. Now don't dilly dally, Sammi-Chan, it is not wise to keep Captain Aizen waiting." He remarked, sending me a bone chilling smirk before walking out of the room and closing the door behind him.

I stood there completely frozen by fear as everything began to sink in and my brain slowly began to catch up with everything that was happening. My panic slowly began to set in again as I looked up at the only window in the room that was too high for me to reach and the door was out of the option.

I tried to swallow my fear as I tried to think of way to get out here but it seemed I had no option but to go along with whatever this arrogant traitor wanted from me. I knew if I tried to run I could be killed or punished in someway and if I wanted to survive I need to do anything I can.

Hey guys, I know this is a short chapter, I promise the next one will be much longer and more interactions with all your favorite devilish handsome bad guys. Hehe. Enjoy the chapter and see you next time

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