The one I truly belong to

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Ming was driving towards Kit's like there is no tomorrow. He was eager to hold Kit in his arms again, to kiss his pink soft lips. He missed everything about Kit and now that he's finally free he could pursue his love, the one and only. Soon enough he arrived in front of Kit's front door and rung the doorbell, he pulls out the ring and kneels in front of the door, waiting for Kit to open it.

Kit rushed to the door when he heard the doorbell with the hope that it will be Ming. Moowan was tailing him from behind. He opened the door and saw Ming on his knee and with his right arm extend towards him with a ring in his hand.

Moowan: Are you fucking kidding me, doctor? Do you have no common sense left in you? Are you gonna just propose someone who already has a girlfriend? You have no shame!

Moowan was yelling and breathing out her nose fire, she was ranting nonstop while trying to tug Kit back inside, but he stopped her.

Kit: Moowan, let's just stop this! You are making a scene in front of the whole neighborhood. And you Mingkwan come inside, people are already staring at us.

Ming did as he was told and get inside following Kit and that bitchy Moowan who was clinging to his Kit. They walk into the living room and Ming takes a seat in an armchair near the coffee table while Kit and Moowan seated on the couch in front of Ming. Moowan was clinging to Kit tightly like she was scared to let go of him.

Kit: Let's settle things like mature and civilized people. First, Ming, I'm flattered and happy that you chose me and at the same time you propose to me, but at the moment I'm in a relationship so I can't accept your proposal yet. I hope you will be patient and wait for me until everything will be settled and nothing will come between us anymore.

Ming: I will wait forever for you Kit because you're worthy of waiting.

Kit: I'm glad to hear that, but now I need to ask you to leave so I can talk privately with Moowan.

All this time Moowan was staying silent because she doesn't want to upset Kit, but she was still frowning at their discussion and was red from anger and almost that she jumps to kill Ming right there, but she keeps her composure.

Kit seat up from the couch and Moowan immediately jump up straight right beside him wrapping his arms around his waist, Ming was fuming at the image but he did nothing because Kit tells him to wait for him so he's happy that Kit is still his.

Kit: Moowan I'm going to just lead Ming to the door no need to come too. Just wait for me here, I'll be back in a minute.

Moowan: But, what if...

Kit: No buts. Nothing will happen, just wait here. There is no point for you to come along.

Moowan gives up and set back on the couch while Kit leads Ming towards the exit. Arriving outside Ming automatically launches himself toward Kit and hug him tight.

Ming: Thank you. For giving me another chance. This time I promise everything will go smoothly, no more problems.

Ming lean backward a little so he could see Kit's face better and lean in to catch Kit's lips in a short, but searing and passionate kiss. When he left Kit's lips, Kit pushed him slowly and blushed profusely like a red tomato.

Kit: P'Ming... He said embarrassed.

Ming: I will wait for your call love, see you soon and don't let that monster lure in you some trap.

Kit: I will be fine. Now go already.

Ming walks to his car before blew a kiss to Kit and drive away towards his house. Kit enters the house, he still needs to deal with Moowan. Kit walks into the living room and saw Moowan pacing back and forth in the room when she saw him she stopped and sit back on the couch while Kit goes to sit where Ming sited earlier.

Kit: So, it's your turn now to talk.

Moowan: Have you already told him to leave us live our life peacefully?

Kit: Moowan, please understand. I love Ming, I have always loved him from the beginning. I know it was foolish of me to accept you just to forget him, but I did it so let's just fix this problem together. We should go back to friends and that's it.

Moowan: No, you can't be with a man Kit. What your parents are going to say when they found out about this? I'm the best choice, I can give you kids while he can't. Don't you want an heir?

Moowan was pleading Kit, but all was in vain cause Kit already made his mind and now no one can change it.

Kit: I will deal with my parents later, they will be mad at first but after a while, they will understand me and will accept Ming after all they want me to be happy. And about children, we can adopt or use surrogacy, there are a lot of ways nowadays, it won't be a problem. Moowan I want you to be happy and that's not with me. You should find a guy who truly loves you and can take care of you. I really hope you can still be friends after all this.

Moowan: I don't want someone else I want you, just you. Please don't do this, I promise I will be a better girlfriend. I will do anything just don't leave me.

Moowan was crying and kneeling in front of Kit, begging him not to leave her. Kit was hurt by the image but he could do nothing, this needs to be done, it's for everyone's sake. Moowan is hurt now but she will get over it in the future.

Kit sit up from the armchair and hug Moowan briefly trying to ease her pain a little. He helped her stand up.

Kit: Moowan, you need to go home. Come one I will drive you.

Kit drive her back home and the whole drive was silent, no one utter even a single word. Arriving at Moowan's house, she gets out of the car and walks towards the gate, but she stopped suddenly and turned towards Kit.

Moowan: Thank you for showing me how is like to be cared for. Even it hurts I think I always know that I'm not the one you truly love, but I was stubborn enough to force you to be with me, sorry for the trouble.

Kit: Don't say sorry. Think of it like time spent with a best friend, after all, we never kissed and stuff.

Moowan laughs slightly and Kit joined her.

Moowan: Yeah, you're right. I need to go now, bye Kit. I hope you will be happy.

Moowan enters the gate and walks into the house while Kit drives back to his house. He parked his car and go to his bedroom and jump on the bed. He thought about today's events, Ming proposed to him and he broke up with Moowan and she doesn't hate him completely. Suddenly he remembered something, he didn't respond to Ming's proposal yet.


So this chapter is totally me so I hope you like it. Don't forget to vote and comment and see you next chapter.

What answer will give Kit to Ming? What do you think? Tell me!

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