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"I never meant to get us in this deep. I never meant for this to mean a thing. Oh, I wish you were the one, wish you were the one that got away." ~ The One That Got Away, The Civil Wars


Okay, he's either pissed at you, I rubbed my hands together nervously, or he's pissed at you. Only way to find out is to ask.

Cameron and I were having another search session through my father's journals, this time at me and Logan's house. I'd called him multiple times over the past week to come over, but he'd never answer. At first, I pegged his silence as him being busy. After a while I thought it was because I'd done something to upset him. The only reason he was here now, I believed was because Celine came over for a meeting with Logan. When I saw him standing behind his sister awkwardly at the front door I was prepared to beg for his help and company. I was surprised when it only took a simple please for him to cave and follow me to the library. There was one problem, though: Cameron was completely silent.

He was barely looking me in the eye, let alone speaking to me. And I had no idea why.

I figured if he was truly angry with me he would confront me about it. I'd known Cameron for just a couple months; however, I knew he wasn't the type of person to keep his emotions bottled up. That was one of the many things I admired about him.

The silence was killing me.

I cleared my throat and closed my journal, "You find anything?"

Cameron glanced up at me. Started reading again so he wouldn't have to look at me for too long. There were several heart beats where I thought he wasn't going to answer.

"Nope," sighed Cameron, popping the 'p' almost sarcastically.

I took a deep breathe, deciding not ask small questions leading to the question. I'm not one for beating around the bush, so I don't know why I even try sometimes.

"Is there something you want to say to me?" I asked. Rising my eyebrows I continued, "Because you can tell me anything. If you're upset."

Cameron didn't waste a second. "I saw you and Logan," he whispered, closing his book.

"What do you mean?"

"At the Festival two weeks ago." He got up from the couch and paced over to the fire place. Cameron's form was rigid and tensed, frustration built up inside of him. "I went to check up on you when you left to go find Logan. You seemed drunk and upset."

I was pretty much drunk and upset the entire night, but I didn't tell Cameron that. Honestly, various pieces of the party were missing from my memory, curtesy of the spiked-punch-without-the-punch Lilac and I had gotten a hold of.

"Okay?" I said. I still wasn't getting why he was so upset.

"I saw you two."

I let out a small nervous chuckle. "Yeah, and? I saw you."

Cameron groaned in frustration. Clenching his jaw, he repeated with more vigor, "No, Sage. I saw you two."

I groaned playfully back at him. "I'm sorry, I just don't understand what...you're...insinuating...oh."

He widened his eyes and he nodded, knowing that I finally got what he was trying to say. Cameron saw Logan kissing me. He saw Logan kissing my neck a couple days after we almost kissed. Oh.

"Oh," I said again.


"You saw us..."

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