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"It's a circle, I mean, a cycle. I can't excite you anymore. Where's your gavel, your jury? What's my offense this time? You're not a judge, but if you're gonna judge me...

well, sentence me to another life." ~ Ignorance, Paramore


I stand on a high platform, lights bearing down on me from above.

All around me there is constant darkness, not a signal proof of life. I stare down at my attire in awe at how small I am. The platform I am on is stainless steel, so I am able to see my reflection.

A five year old version of me stares back. Before I can react, a unknown voice speaks.

"I did the spell," a man says, stepping out of the shadows.

The man I see wears a white lab coat and holds a silver Mac in his palms. My eyes strain to see his face, but the darkness covers it up. A flash of light catches off of something on his face, indicating there might be a pair of spectacles sitting on his nose.

Another voice - it is familiar - replies, "Did Rhys do the same?"

The man in the lab coat sighs, "Yes, but the boy could only withstand a portion of it. She was able to take it all. Your daughter was powerful before, and now, she is unstoppable. But, I have to ask, at what price?"

The voice I figure is my father's doesn't say anything.

I don't understand what is happening. I glance down at my hands, tingling with something accustomed to a rush. My body feels warm, warmer than usual. I am buzzing with unkempt power. Magic flows through my veins freely. Violently. It ravishes my blood stream and takes over my pounding heart.

I don't like it.

"How do we...enable it?" My father asks. He still hasn't stepped into my eyesight, but I know it is him.

"You know how, " the man replies grimly. "But we don't have to do it now. It will happen without our doing, whether you like it or not. You know this."

"I know!" father suddenly shouts, mid Mister-Lab-Coat-Guy-Rant. "I'm...just...will she be okay?"

I see the man shrug his shoulders. "I don't know. This type of magic should've killed her. She should be dead."

I hear my father suck in a breathe and let out a huge puff of air. By the rapid foot falls I hear from behind me, he is walking closer to where I stand.

"We have to test it," he mutters, quickly. "Test it."


"Test it," father says more forcefully this time.

The man nods, placing the laptop on the ground.

"Of course, Your Majesty," he replies, words laced with sarcasm. The man takes something from off his back and picks up a piece of wood from the floor.

Is that a bow?

He notches an arrow into the weapon. The lethal, metal point of the stick is aimed right at me. I can tell the man is staring, and I can tell he is trembling. But I am not afraid. I am powerful.

"Sorry, Sage," he chokes out, pulling the string back slowly. He is hesitant.

I nod my head, fear still refusing to make an appearance. I feel another rush of energy flow through me, and my heart is beating fast with excitement.

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