"GET OUT!" I said disgusted at his behaviour.

"I don't mind a bit of rough," he teased.

"I know that. You married it," I bitched and launched for the necklace. It turned into a full on scrap knocking things everywhere. He was trying to get out of the apartment with it and I was trying to get it off him and stop him from running off and selling it.

It didn't work his elbow caught me in the face and I fell against the table where the corner banged into my side making me cry out and fall to the floor. He took off with the necklace. No one had heard as the music was playing and they were all obviously outside watching them.

I ran downstairs after him and chased him out the back as he ran towards his car. He had parked it a few streets away so I didn't see him coming the sneaky fucker. I chased after him and was surprised I was catching him as I had never run so fast in my life. I launched myself on him sending us both falling to the street. I started wrestled with him, scratching and clawing to get the necklace out of his hands. He was not having my necklace!

People started coming out in the street and yelling to call the police. That made Mark worse and he started to fight with me like I was another bloke instead of a woman trying to retrieve her necklace. He punched me two or three times before two men came out of their houses and him off me and tried to restrain him.

"He stole my necklace Tim," I yelled to Tim a neighbour who was chasing him off. Tim and the other neighbour tried to stop him getting in his car by standing in front and trying to open the driver door. As Mark was yanking it trying to shut it to drive off. To my surprise Coco ran past and rushed over to the car dragging Mark out.

"Ahhhhh!" he screamed. "Get off," he yelled. I could see him trying to kick Coco.

I raced up from the floor and ran to help her.

"Don't you hit my dog," I screamed pulling his hair to drag him off her, which turned into another fight.

"Victoria, stop!" Arthur yelled as now everyone was out in the street he tried to get in between me and Mark. "Victoria! STOP!" he yelled.

"Get off my dog!" I yelled booting Mark for every time I saw him try to get Coco who I was now in front off. I booted the car door shut to stop him escaping with my necklace as Arthur pulled Coco back who was barking so loudly it had everyone coming out. Mark grabbed my hair, we struggled, I tried pushing him off but he banged my head off the car roof. I fell to the floor, he started kicking me so Arthur let the dog go to help. Coco went for Mark again.

I heard the punch before I realised what had happened. I turned to look at Arthur there was no one there. Gerard's hands were the next thing I felt, dragged me up off the floor and a good few feet away from the fight.

"He stole my necklace," I screamed. Gerard didn't care he just flung my over his shoulder and carried me towards Mary and Arthurs house with Arthur telling me to calm down. "He stole my necklace from Edward! He hurt my dog!" I yelled to Piers who was stood by the car and the only thing I could see was Mark's feet sticking out by the bumper. Seeing Marks feet lying there it was obvious he was knocked out. Realising it was all over and what had just happened I was sobbing so much I was hyperventilating and still crying by the time we got Mary's. 'He took my necklace, he hurt my dog,' I kept sobbing as I was worried he had hurt Coco and thrown the necklace down a drain.

Gerard had rushed back out of the house as soon as he put me down so it was left to poor Arthur to try to stop me running back out the door again.

"Let the men handle it," he said.

"Get the dog," I sobbed straining to look passed him and out the door to see if I could see anything but I couldn't. "Coco!" I yelled in the hope she would come running.

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