"I'm not gonna go after my brothers girl. It's not right. But I'm completely fine with tricking him that I am." He smiled lightly to me.

"So you like someone else?" I asked curiously. 

A woman walked out. I believe her name was Jenna. "Hey. I was just about to come in." I looked to her.

"Yeah let's go." She spoke looking to me almost in disapproval and worry. "Come on in." She obviously didn't care for Damon. I noticed him looking away from her.

"Bye Damon." I mumbled lightly before going inside with ease. It was time to get to work.

Emma's POV

Later on Elena called me and told me everything was okay. She said she was heading to her house and I told her I'd meet her there. I picked up my phone and read Tyler's name. "Hello?" I asked.

"Emma, I got into an accident. Caroline is in surgery and Matt broke his arm. I'm at the hospital waiting and I-" he started.

"I'll be there as soon as I can." I responded. I got my dad to drive and we headed to the hospital. I was too caught up in my own worry that I forgot to tell Elena where I was going. He brought me a shirt to change into then he dropped me off and I quickly ran inside.

"Tyler." I called out as I saw him and ran over. "You're okay?" I asked worried.

"Yeah it's just- Caroline. I don't know what's going on. They don't think she'll make it." He responded worried.

"She'll make it through." I nodded as I hugged him. "She'll make it." I reassured looking up at him. "Where's Matt?"

He pointed to a room and I headed there. He was getting his arm cast. "Are you okay?" I asked looking at him.

"Yeah it's just a fracture." He nodded.

"Sweetie you can't be in here." The nurse said looking at me.

"Sorry I just wanted to check on my friend." I replied as I walked back out. I saw Damon talking to Carolines mom. I sat with Tyler for a while when the sheriff told him something happened to his dad. He left and I stayed with Bonnie until I saw Elena.

"Oh my God. I'm sorry. I forgot to tell you-" I started looking at her worried.

"It's no big deal. Matt told me. You should know, John really is our father and someone tried to kill him." She revealed as I scrunched the hair on top of my head. "He's in surgery."

"Oh my God Elena." I sighed as Bonnie walked over.

"Caroline isn't doing well. They say she's really weak." Bonnie explained to her. "They don't know if she'll make it."

"What?" Elena asked as Bonnie hugged her.

"Bonnie you can cast a spell to make her be okay right?" I asked looking at her.

"She doesn't know how. She's not strong enough. It took Emily years to learn that spell." Damon spoke walking over. He looked to Elena curiously then back to Bonnie. I didn't know why though.

"Well I can hurt a vampire. That spell is easy." She warned looking at him.

"I can give her some of my blood. It'll heal her." Damon nodded looking to us.

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