New Couple and Dei's Dare

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"I choose... Dare!" Dei shouted

"ok Serinah would you like to give the first dare or would you like me to?"

"you can"

"alright then, Deidara your dare is to lower your pride by saying art is stupid especially yours and then throw your clay away" Kakaazu said smirking, Dei looked shocked but did it but you could tell he really didn't want to. Next was Cat.

"ok Cat what would you like? truth or dare?" i said trying to look innocent while planning a evil truth or dare


"alright your truth is do ever think Deidara ever looks like girl? be honest here"

"uh... yes sometimes in certain light and angles Dei looks like a girl" she looked ashamed but not as much as Dei

"now its time to move to Candy and Naruto, Naruto truth or dare?"

"Dare me!" he seemed confident

"alright then you dare is to eat 50 bowls of ramen in a row!"

"you kidding that's nothing!" naruto said as 50 bowls of ramen were wheeled out Naruto started to dig, we all sweatdropped

"so while he's doing that lets move onto Candy truth or dare"


"alright i dare you to call yourself short, shorter than elf that's had both legs cut off" she looked upset but did it, she looked down the entire time saying it

"i'm short, shorter than a elf that's had both legs cut off"

"Done!" Naruto screamed holding up his empty ramen bowl with about 49 around him, that was fast, Kakazu had left somewhere so i was in charge

"ok since Kakazu is busy at the moment I'll give hidan his so hidan truth or da-" he didn't let me finish before he screamed

"f****** dare me b******"

" alright, Hidan i dare you to one member of the audience a kiss on the lips and it has to last for 2 minutes" he looked upset, so did Rhea but he didn't back down so he jumped out from his podium and grabbed the first audience member he saw and kissed them, the audience member was Kisame. konan zoomed in and when 2 minutes were up she backed up

"there b***** i f****** did it!" then he stormed back to seat"

"thankyou for cooperating now Rhea truth or dare!"

"dare me b***** "

"ok you are dared to let Tobi give you a make over right now with everyone watching"

"fine" her eye was twitching when she said that, so Tobi came out with make up and started to put it on Rhea who was yelling at him. When he was done Rhea had mascara running down her face, bright red lipstick messingly out on the area around the lips and blush on her forehead along with bright blue and green eyeshadow all over her face. then she stormed back to the podium wiping it off. By now Kakazu had returned.

"and that's all the time we have but tune in next time for more hilarious dares and truths along with a new couple!" he said and then the camera turned off.

"new couple? who" i asked confused

"appartently Orochimaru got himself a girlfriend after seeing you and Sasori kiss, their in the living room if you want to see them" then he went to check the footage

i went into the living room to see Oro and a girl with rainbow hair cuddling on the couch,

"so Oro this is your new girlfriend?"

"yes it is, Serinah this is Kurochi Night, Kurochi this is Serinah"

"hello i'm Kurochi its nice to finely meet you, Oro's said a lot about you"

"really wow, well i can't wait to see you guys up there doing dares and stuff, are you staying here Kurochi"

"yes, i am"

"alright guess i'll see you around then" i waved and walked back to see how the footage was coming it was going on youtube

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2018 ⏰

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