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Normal Pov

we eventually found everyone and at each introduction Rhea got into an argurment so far no one likes her but me, yeah she's a b**** but atleast she speaks her mind and isn't afraid of looking like fool. Rhea never left me alone, where ever i went she went with me, basically we spent our vacation with and because of that most people had a terrible vacation. we were about to board our plain when we saw Rhea running towards us.

"hey guys i'm coming with you!" she said happily

"YOUR COMING WITH US!?" we all screamed which caused a few looks but we don't care at the moment, she nodded happily and boarded the plane.

"well come on f****** oh and Serinah your sitting next to me!" Rhea yelled from the plane

we all regretably got on too, the entire ride Rhea was acting all snooty and clingly it was soo annoying, if she wasn't talking about how hot some guy looked I'd swear she was gay! that's how clingy she was to me! Hidan was obviously jelly(jealous) along with Oro who were sitting across from us, with upset expressions.

we eventually made it back home, Rhea was still following us. When we arrived at the house i finally asked a question that's been bothering me ever since i found she was coming with us,

"Rhea where do plan on staying?"

"with you of course! now unlock the f****** door!" she screamed, i didn't like that answer, after i unlocked the door and let everyone in i said this

"um we don't have any room for you we barely have room for the rest of us"

"that's ok I'll just have some additions made to house to make it bigger" she said simply then she walked away, what!? no, justin would kill me, i think

"i'd have to ask my brother before you make the house bigger"

"fine ask him now"

i took out my phone and called justin, this is gonna be an interesting conversation. He picked up after a few rings

"hey brat, watcha doing?" he said just being justin

"hey justin and i'm talking to you um... one of my friends wants to know if she can have the house remodled and made bigger" there was a silence then he spoke again

"um why we have enough room for her"

"actually we don't there are like 12 over people living here"

"What!? who do have there and why?!" he was obviously shocked

"um ok first let me tell you this..." then i explained to him about the kittens and the akatsuki and Candy and Cat and Rhea and what everyone's situation is

"geez what happens when i'm not around? well you can't kick them out now I'll be back soon and since you have that many people living with you, have the house remodled but have your friend pay for it also no boys i don't want to be an uncle any time soon."

"i won't be mother anytime and thanks! love you"

"love you too brat" then he hung up, well he took that well

end of this justin' entering the seen! soon

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