the b***** Disney heir

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Me, Candy and Cat went to the pool since the others couldn't, we enjoyed the cool water while the others went and enjoyed the rides and junk we'd join them later. I was wearing black one piece that went down to my thighs, Candy wore a white two piece tankini and Cat wore a purple and black two piece bikini. we were chilling in the pool when a girl with brown hair in a pink sting bikini and expensive looking accesories. She looked at us and looked really shocked when she saw Cat.

"Are you Cat?" she asked pointing to her

"um yeah... why do you want to know?" cat sounded nervous

"your all over the news you f****** run away i should call the cops you b*****" the said smirking

"please don't! i'll do anything!" Cat screamed

"well i guess i could refrain if you do you what i tell you to do b*****" cat looked horrified

"but that's why i left in the first place!" she screamed

" shut the f*** up you b*** its that or the police!" the girl yelled

"hey leave her alone she didn't do anything to you! who do you think you are!" i asked very angrily

"I'm Rhea Disney and i think i'm the owner's daughter and this b**** has caused my father a lot of problems! digging through the trash and begging for money, probably to go buy drugs or something." Rhea said

"If your gonna threaten people like that maybe i'll call the cops on you!" this chick has no right to treat anyone like that!

"you f**** b***** i'll get you all thrown out if you keep on talking to me like that!" she said smirking

"go ahead better than hearing your annoying voice all day!"

"hmmm.... fine i'll stop seems you actually have a backbone unlike most of the people i meet I'm Rhea and you my new friend so what's your name b****" she said smiling , what just happened

"Serinah" she nodded and dragged me away with Cat and Candy following

nice girl ain't she?

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