the gift

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when i woke up i felt something warm next to me, i turned to see Tobi laying next to me. WTF when did he come in here!

"tobi wake up and get out!" i screamed pushing him off

"Awww but Tobi was dreaming about candy!" he whined giving me puppy dog eyes 

" I don't care get out! and why did you come in here anyway?"

"Deidara and Sasori kicked me out and no one else let me in so i came in here!" 

" those jerks, well fine but next time just go on the coach or wake me up ok"

"ok i will, can you make me some breakfest" 

"fine" then i dragged myself downstairs to see Konan already cooking something in the kitchen. She turned to us and smiled 

"sorry if i'm intruding it just me and pein got hungry and i decided to make some food" she said smiling

"its fine just make tobi some while your at it i'm gonna wake the others and try not to get killed in the process" 

I slowly made my way to the first door i saw and started knocking on it. 

"hey time to wake up!" i yelled

i heard some mumbling and cursing in the background when the door swung open to reveal a tired and pissed off Hidan behind him was kakazu looking upset and groggy

"Why do we have to wake the f*** up you b**** i'm f********* tired!" he yelled looking at me

"you have to cause breakfest is cooking and i said so and you have to listen to me my house now downstairs!" i wasn't backing down because he has colorful language or he was mad i want people up NOW.

"fine you b**** then he pushed past me and went downstairs kakazu followed 

"yeah you better" i mumbled then knocked on the next door, it opened to reveal itachi looking at me tiredly like he didn't sleep at all last night, Kisame was rising from his bed yawning 


"breakfest downstairs lets go" 

he sighed then got up and dragged kisame with him down the steps  atleast they didn't put up a fight

next door revealed Sasori who had no expression damn puppet 

"what is it un?" Deidara called from his bed looking at us 

"breakfest and why did you kick Tobi out last night?" 

"he was being annoying! we couldn't sleep or work" he responded groaning at the memory

"well next time give him sleeping pills or knock him unconicious"

he nodded and went downstairs followed by puppetman

next was orochimaru and zetsu.this is gonna be interesting considering yesterday

"wake up food, and not humans zetsu" i called knowing about his cannibalism

the door opened to reveal orochimaru smirking, *how can he be smirking like that so early in the morning*

"hello Ssssserinah, zetsu already left and i want to show you ssssomething" he said smirking 

"if its your dick or anything else pereverted like that can you wait till i'm fully awake" i said sensing pervyness

"itsss not that, come on in" i reluctantly entered and looked around 

he made his way to his and pulled out a box from underneath his bed, he opened it and turned to show me what was inside, i looked down to see my favorite animal, a snake! yes cool!

"i found him outside he was stuck between some rocks, i know how much you like snakes so i thought i'd give him to you" 

"Thankyou soo much he's so cool! come with me downstairs so we can name him" he nodded and came wit me to the kitchen and we sat down thinking of names for our little green garden snake.we eventually decided to name him Sin 

The others looked at us weirdly but whatever i'm weird deal with it people

"hey we're gonna need more clothes" Deidara said looking at me 

"ok then who wants to go shopping for clothes with me and don't worry i'm not one of those girls who insists on the latest fashion" 

a few hands went up so me,Orochimaru, Deidara, Itachi and Sin are going shopping. and yes i'm bringing my pet snake.

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