The Box

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I was on my way home from work i was a reporter for the Cathington  Enterprise and had a side job at the Hess down the street i was driving home when i noticed something in the middle of the road i stopped and got out of the car and found out it was a box with noise coming from in it i picked up and looked inside. 

"wow, so weird but so cute!" i said as i stared at a box of Kittens that looked like a weird bunch why i'll  list how they look:

ginger with black dots male

blueish gray with to black dots under chin female

blue with lines like gills on sides of neck male

black with red eyes male 

blonde with hair covering one eye male

red with a black spot over heart male

black with a ginger face male

silvery white with purple eyes male 

brown with black markings like stiches male

black with purple around eyes male 

one half white and one half black with green on its head male

see a weird but cute bunch! anyway they all looked up to me curiously the white one was meowing and scratching at the box obviously wanting to be let out. I put the box in the passenger seat and drove to my house. I took the cats inside and put them on the kitchen table, 

"well obviously i'm gonna keep you now what to name you" i said thinking to myself i looked at all of them and how they were acting good names that were for manly dudes huh hard. I eventually decided on some names Here they are:




black w/red eyes- Shadow


black w/purple-Jack






"ok now your named sorry if you don't like your name couldn't think of anything so i should probably feed you guys" 

i got out a fer bowls and filled it with leftover ham and chicken and bowls of water, i placed them on the table and while they ate i went up to my bathroom and turned on the tub so i could was them later. When i returned they were circled together like they were talking or something i just igmored it and texted my brother that we got kittens. 

"you guys are weird, hope you know that" 

a few meowed in response, funny. i then put them in the box and brought them to the bathroom so i could wash them I placed Pyro in the water first and then things got  complicated.

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