new kitties

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when i woke up i went downstairs to see if Hidan and Oro were still tied up, and they were i was gonna untie till i heard something outside. It came from the front door, i opened it to reveal two kittens here's what they look like

Black fur with black eyes male 


yellow fur with blue eyes and long whiskers male

i took them inside and set them on the table, the black one reminded me of someone but who. he looked emo looking away but yet proud how he sat, that's it itachi! he reminds me of itachi, the other one seemed more curious he was looking all around he looked cute they both did. 

"now what to name you" i mumbled to myself till i thought names.

black-sasuke(since he reminds of itachi and sasuke's itachi's brother


"ok now your named your sasuke and your leo," i said pointing to them when i said their name

"hey what are you doing?" i heard a voice from behind me and turned to see Kisame

"oh hey and i just named some cats, see this one's sasuke and this one's leo" he looked at me wierdly along with the kittens

"Sasuke? you do that's itachi's brother's name right?"

"yeah, that's why i named him that he reminded me of him" then sasuke hissed at me angrily

"yeah but he's not gonna be happy about it"

"well too bad, he'll have to deal with it"

"fine but don't say i didn't warn you, where'd you get them anyway?"

"they were on the door step"


"yep, oh no Hidan and Oro are still tied up come on" i said motioning for Kisame to follow, he reluctantly did

when i arrived they were awake and turned to see us

"Why the f*** are we tied up! let us the f*** go or at least me!" Hidan screamed glaring at us 

"your tied up because you two tried to kill each other last night"

"why would we do that" 

"you two were fighting over Serinah" Kisame piped in and i hit him, idiot, this did cause them to blush slightly

"yeah ok i'm gonna untie you guys now" i then went over to Hidan and untied him while Kisame untied Oro.

"thanks" Hidan mumbled then went upstairs 

"Thankyou for releasssing me" Oro whispered in my ear, when did he get there!

"Where did you come from!" i yelled he just laughed, whatever

"ok we have two kittens in the kitchen what do we do first feed them or bath them"

"bath them incase their like us" kisame said

"fine to the bathroom!" i then picked up the two and carried them to the bathroom turned the tub on and dumped them in.POOF, next thing in knew two naked dudes were in my bath tub i threw towels at them and exited the bathroom waited for them to come out. so kisame was right they were like them question is, who are they? 

"we're out" i heard a voice from the bathroom say i went to see what i think was Sasuke and Naruto.

"i'm sasuke and this is naruto" sasuke said i was right!

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