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after getting hidan wrapped up and gathering everyone into the living room i spoke

"ok i think its time i told you guys what happened to my parents and my life before anything happens(takes a breath) my father died when i was 8, he slipped on some ice and his brain started to bleed, during this time i was in foster care. then when i was 13 my mother died while she was recovering from a huge heart attack, my brother Jeremy moved after her death. The next few years my guardian was argueeing with her fiacee every night till they left each other splitting up there Children me and their daughter. I eventually left to live with my brother Justin here and that's it." there was an akward silence until Sasori broke it 

"did you get counseling" 

"No i refused to besides if i did i'd be a wimp and an annoyance complaining about how bad my life was"

"was anything else happening during this time" itachi asked

"my brother justin and mom were going in and out of the hospital and my first foster home abused me"

then i attacked by hugs lots and lots of hugs. i feel like i'm at a funeral now.

"ok you can let go now and go do whatever, come on Sin" i said and went to my room


"man and i thought my life sucked" Itachi saidthey all nodded 

"well she's probably balling her eyes out now that we brought back all those painful memories someone go comfrot her" Pein said pointing upstairs to where Serinah was

"Hidan should he started it" Deidara said 

"no he'll probably make her cry more" Sasori said 

"then why don't you go" Hidan said 

" i don't have very good people skills "

"then who does" 

"kisame and konan do"

"fine i'll go" Konan said and made her way upstairs


i was in my room thinking about my life when i decided i shouldn't that's history right now you have the akatsuki downstairs and your not taking advantage of it what's wrong with me!? I was about to open the door to see them when Konan opened it instead

"hey how you doing" she said looking at sympathetcally"fine now come on i wanna have some fun" 

"what kind of fun" then i whispered in her ear what i had planned, smirked and nodded her head this was gonna be fun

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