new character: cat

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Name: Cat 

Gender: female

Age: 19

Family: none

Personality: fun-loving but can be random, sweet, kind, funny, playful, loud, curses when someone gets her really pissed off, shy at first, helpful, laughs at almost anything

Likes: anime, music, video games, purple and black, laughing, cats, stuffed animals, pool parties

Dislikes: talking about past, spiders, pink, rude people, purple or black mixed with pink

Crush: Deidara

Bio: she used to have a normal life until she turned 13.then her parents made her do everything. since she was her parents maid she ran away from home. she left a note saying she ran far away and killed herself  to her parents and friends. she called herself ugly so many times she's afraid to fall in love. she's been running from her parents and friends for 3 months

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