The shopping trip

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We all piled into my car and drove to the mall cause i like malls. While we were shopping we got some weird looks but can you  blame the people oro's pale and looks creepy to most people.Anyway the guys were amazed by everything like little three year olds it was funny so so funny.

"ok we are getting clothes here first"  i said standing infront of Hot Topic 

they looked at me weirdly and i just went in and started looking around and they followed staring at my choice of clothing store but didn't complain

a few girls were looking at Deidara and Itachi but they didn't notice much like i didn't notice Orochimaru looking at me like that till i asked him what he thought of a Jack Skeleington shirt  i was holding up, he just blushed as i gave him a weird look and asked again.we eventually got some clothes for everyone and started to look around. I decided that we should get food as well since it was lunch time so we went to the food court they were all confused by foods so picked something out for them.Pasta and mcdonalds. While we were eating a group of boys obvious troublemakers came up to us well me.

"hey whats a pretty girl doing with these losers" the leader said looking at me

"Liar i'm not pretty, there not losers there awsome and your a idoit and a jerk now leave us alone you dumkoff" i said not looking at him 

"you heard me now back off no one cares" 

"why you little motherf****** i'll show you to talk to me like that!" he then threw a punch at me but i dodged and kneed him in the balls 

"i told you to leave us alone and never pick a fight with a girl cause we always win cause we have no weaknesses" i said and motioned for the guys to follow me, it took a moment for them to get over the shock of me beating up a guy but they came but stayed a little further away then before hehehe oops. 

The ride home was quiet until Deidara broke the silence, 

"soo Serinah do you really think your not pretty"

"yeah pretty much"

"but you shouldn't cause you are!" Deidara and Oro screamed

"also its not good for your health" Itachi added 

"guys its ok i'm fine with not being pretty not everyone is" 

then the entire ride back they give me a lecture on how pretty i am and how i should relize that i didn't listen the entire time

"hey we got clothes! come get yours" i yelled waving bags of clothes in the air 

while everyone was getting their clothing and trying it on i decided to go on the couch and play with Sin. I was in the middle of teaching him how to attack when someone came up from behind me and started to tickle me, i started to totally spazz out so i told Sin to attack and he did wonderfully."Hey! call off this f******* snake thing, it was a joke!" Hidan yelled while Sin was digging his teeth into Hidan's arm and coiling around it

"Fine but don't do that agian, Sin stop and return" i said and Sin came back to me and slithered into my sleeve 

"Fine but keep that thing away from me!" he yelled holding his wound 

"oh i should probably help you with that come on"

"I don't want your help"

"too bad you getting it!" then i dragged to the bathroom and started treating his wound it was pretty deep, good job Sin! he was surpringly quiet until i got to the stinging stuff then the cursing came. 

"holy s*** that f****** hurts oh jahin help! she's trying to kill me" he said looking at his arm

"i'm not trying to kill you i'm trying to help you! now stop complaining so i can finish cleaning it" then grabbed his arm and continued to clean it ignoring his complaints

"why are you helping me anyway"

"because you need help and no one else will"

"exactly so why help! no one else would but your willing to even though i tell you not to! it doesn't make sense!" he yelled frustrated 

"because i'm nice and care about you and the others and you all need me and i'm not gonna turn my back on any of you!"


"cause that's all i have left and that's what my parents have wanted!"

it then became silent 

"so what happened to your parents anyway"

"its better if i tell all of you together "

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