Chapter 54 - Frigate

Start from the beginning

"If you don't make it we will continue to spread the message. The king will be weak after a battle like that and we may have to strike again soon." Herb declared. Dana nodded at this but Sky saw her doubt. Maybe this was their only chance and the plan to share the rebellion cause was one last mercy. For when they all died, at least they would die with hope.

"Come on," Edward leaned into Sky as the room started to clear, "Let's get something to eat before we start to ready the ship."

Sky smiled at the thought of one last hot meal at the Tavern but there was something she had to do first. "You go on ahead. I have to talk to someone."

Sky was dreading the conversation. She had spent most of the night explaining to Dana what had happened and then had fallen asleep in one of the manors empty rooms. Many of the cormorants had done the same, savouring their last night in a bed.

"Alright," Edward shrugged. "We'll see you soon."

Sky left the manor and headed down towards Elise's small house. The windows were out and the door propped open with a wedge of wood to allow the breeze off the water to cool the warm air. Inside, the woman was crocheting a light brown cap, her fingers moving quickly. Elise did not look up as Sky knocked on the frame of the door.

"Come in." Sky hesitated guilt twisting inside her chest.

"Morning," Sky winced as the woman looked up at her from under her hair. Sky took a deep breath to tell her what she was dreading to speak. I have to break my promise.

"It is after noon Sky." Elise smiled warmly and put her cap aside as she rose.

"So it is." Sky laughed awkwardly. She had spent a week with this woman. They had talked long into the evenings sharing stories, Sky speaking of her father and her time on his fishing boat. Elise had spoken of her own time growing up on Harpers isle and how she would go searching for wild berries and go swimming in the bay trying to catch fish with nets. They had visited the market each morning and eaten together. Sky had begun to depend on the woman's company to take her mind of the war. There were small moments when she had felt like she could settle here with her. And then, Sky's stomach twisted sharply, there were moments when she felt like these were the kinds of things she had missed out on. Things a mother did with her daughter.

"I will miss your company Sky." Elise leaned in to kiss the younger woman softly in the cheek.

"I- I'm sorry." Sky looked down at her feet feeling ashamed. "I promised you that I would help."

Elise gave her a gentle laugh. She truly was beautiful and Sky couldn't help but feel that Marle was lucky to have met her. "You have helped." Elise looked down at her with light eyes. "You have made four blankets and I will have more than enough food to last for weeks in those garden beds."

"But I said you wouldn't be alone in this." Sky frowned. She wasn't sure what she wanted to say. "Your child, I promised to help you..."

"And you have." Elise smiled again in a motherly way. "Skyler, we will be alright. I have friends here who have offered to assist me as well. I will be alright." When Sky said nothing Elise turned from her and began to boil some water. "You need to go Sky. You place isn't here with me. I know that and I won't keep you."

Sky sat down on one of the chairs at the small table. She didn't speak as Elise made each of them a cup of black tea. "You will be a wonderful mother Elise." Sky spoke quietly.

Elise sat across from her with a warm smile. "I'm glad. I had not expected to be a mother, when I realised I was devastated, but now I have begun to feel glad for the gift. Even after he is gone I will have them to give all my love to." She rubbed her stomach absentmindedly, then looked back to Sky. "My place is here where I will raise my child. Yours is out there Sky. I can rest a little bit easier knowing you are with them defending our land. I can only hope that you make this Kingdom a better place with your actions."

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