Beginning The Plan

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"And that's what happened." Betty said sadly after she finally finished explaining the story.

The little Construct looked at everyone who was in the room. Some had wide-eyed looks on their faces, others had the same sad look Betty had.

"Do you at least have what's left of them?" Toriel asked.

Betty nodded and looked at Kumu, who spat out four objects that landed on the floor. One was Frisk's scarf, one was a piece of cloth from Asriel's shirt, one was Kubo's shamisen and one was Saoirse's steel fans.

"I couldn't save them." Betty continued. "That creature was too strong, even for me. We did outnumber it, but even if it's by itself, it was still strong enough to take them away. I'm sorry, heroes of Delta. I failed to protect the four young ones you all know and love. Now, I am engulfed with this feeling I am completely unfamiliar with, and it had something to do with their capture."

"That's called guilt." Clarissa was the first to reply.


"It's when you feel bad about something and you think it's your fault that it happened." Jonas explained.

"Everyone gets that feeling, Betty." Nona said. "But, you have nothing to be ashamed about."

"Yeah." Alex nodded. "That thing may have taken them away, but just be proud that you are alright."

"Why are you people being so encouraging, even after what happened to them?" Betty raised an eyebrow.

"Because, Betty," Ren said. "That's what friends do. We encourage each other when we are negative, we help each other get back up when we fall down, and we stay beside each other no matter what."

"Besides, don't blame yourself for what happened to those kids." Yang jumped in. "We can get them back."

"Now, hang on just a moment." Qrow said before he looked at Betty. "How are we going to get them back if we don't know where that creature took them?"

"Actually, I may have an idea on where that thing is taking them." Betty jumped out of the bed.

Everyone who was in the room fell into silence. Not until Cole jumped in and said, "You said that creature was made of Liquid Hate, right?"

"Yes." The pink girl nodded.

"And you said you were at the park, right?"

"Uh huh."

"And it's body was dripping with black liquid?"

"Yeah. What are you inferring?"

"What I'm guessing is that that creature who was at the park might have left a trail only for us to follow."

"Are you trying to say that the beast who took those kids might lead us to the idiot who made it?" Petra asked.

"Yeah." Cole nodded. "And I may have an idea on who's the idiot who made it."

"Oh, goodie!" Michael said sarcastically. "Let's all play a game called 'Who's The Idiot Who Made That Thing'! Hooray!" After doing jazz hands, he let out a disappointed sigh.

The group fell into silence again.

"Definitely sarcasm." Jesse said, breaking the silence.

"Yep." Jane replied with a nod.

Suddenly, the group heard barking and squealing coming from outside of the room. They all ran out, but Betty stayed behind to get changed. After everyone was back in the living room, they all found Zwei and Reuben standing near a window as they looked out of it. Curious, Asgore approached the window. Once he looked out of it, he can see a white limousine standing from outside of the house. The symbol on the limousine's hood was familiar. Fortunately, he knew what the symbol meant.

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