She Isn't What We Thought She Was

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Alex, along with Michael, Frisk, Asriel and Kubo, was currently sitting down on the couch in the living room watching the news on television. The reporter was talking about the new and mysterious threat that was taking form of three unknown teenage girls, each with their own abilities. He also talked about the recent activity from the girls that happened today and hoped that Delta will find a way to get rid of them and stop them from destroying the peaceful life of humans and Strange Ones once and for all.

As the group stared at the TV, they suddenly heard footsteps come into the living room. They all turned to find Toriel enter the room with a worried expression on her face and her hands clasped together.

"I heard of what happened to Ruby and every member of Delta knows of it now." Toriel sighed. "They all are currently searching for those three young girls around the world."

"What about Dad?" Asriel asked his mother. "Where did he go?"

"He told me he was going talk to the mayor into helping us with finding the girls when he got a call from him." She answered. "I got a call from your father before you all came home. He said the mayor agreed in helping us. He will request the police to search for them around Camena."

"But what happens after they find them?" Frisk asked.

"They will bring them to the Delta Base so we can ask them questions."


Toriel nodded, walking until she went to the couch and sat beside Alex and Michael. With a sigh, Michael placed a hand on his head.

"This is just great." He started. "First, I discover that Alex lost an arm and got it replaced, next thing you know it, the whole town is being raided by three crazy girls that has hurt a Youth Member. What was her name again?"

"Um, Ruby." Kubo said. "Her name was Ruby Rose. She's really nice. A little annoying, but nice."

"And Michael, don't even think of what Sans said." Frisk said. "Sans is just...Sans. I know you want to help us, but-" She stopped when she saw a stoic expression on Alex's face. "Sorry. I'll just keep my mouth shut."

Alex just sighed as a response before turning to her brother. "Hey, I'm sorry you had to go through all of that when we were at the hospital. Just don't even listen to him. Sans is only being overprotective with all of us."

"Much to our dismay." Kubo added.

"But, hey. What you said back over there kind of gave me an idea."

"It did?" Michael raised an eyebrow at his sister.

"Yeah. The others and I are going to be training at Weiss' mansion tomorrow and since you want to help us, how about you come along so we can train you?"

"Okay, but what about Sans? What if he finds out?"

"Don't worry, dude. We'll cover for you guys." Frisk grinned. "Besides, he won't find out."

"Actually, about that-" Kubo was cut off when Frisk placed a hand on his mouth.

"Don't jinx it for us, little bro." Frisk whispered.

Suddenly, the group heard a knock on the door as Toriel got up from the couch and walked out of the room. Toriel walked down the hallway and soon, she was at the door. The female goat beast opened the door and looked around until she looked down. Toriel raised both her eyebrows once she saw a girl about twelve with medium-length brown hair with pink at the tips in a blue gown and there were no shoes on her feet. Beside her was a large, floating pink blob with eyes.

"Um, hello." Toriel said before she watched as the girl and blob entered the house. "Um, excuse me?"

Meanwhile, the group just sat in silence until they heard footsteps again. They all turned to find the girl walk into the living room with the giant blob by her side. The group heard footsteps again and turned to find Toriel stop at the entrance of the living room.

Strange Ones: Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now