Bete Noire

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The next day was when they all learn what the girl is. Toriel had called Ivor and Alphys so they will come to the house and explain about the girl. She had even called Jesse today to examine the silent girl. For Alex, she had called the other humans over to the Dreemurr house before they were able to go to Weiss' mansion so they could start training. Alex had explained to Asgore, who had came home after she went to sleep, that she will be bring Michael with her and the others to Weiss' mansion. Asgore understood after learning that Michael was willing to help Delta find the three girls that attacked Ruby.

Right now, after breakfast was done, the other humans, along with Jesse and his pig, Reuben, had arrived the house and were now in the living room where the girl had been sleeping along with her pink blob companion. Asgore and Toriel were standing in the living room and watched as Jesse observed the girl and her companion. The kids were cooped on the couch and watched as well while Yarny sat down on Frisk's head. Ori just watched from Nona's purse.

"Well?" Clarissa managed to say.

"Luckily, this girl doesn't have any illnesses or infections." Jesse said before standing back up. "That's for sure. So, where did you guys find her?"

"I found her on our doorstep and she just walked in without saying anything." Toriel said.

"Does she at least have a name?" Jesse asked.

"I asked her the same question, she didn't say anything." Frisk said. "Kubo said she was mute."

"I said I think she's mute." Kubo replied, stressing the word 'think'.

"Also, we can't tell if she's human or Strange One." Alex said. "We have no idea who or what she is."

"Blake and I were in that thing's mouth last night." Jonas said as he pointed at the pink blob in the girl's arms.

"Guys, we don't need to stress out about what this kid is. All we know is that she had saved a life last night, from what Jonas told me." Ren pointed out. "I mean, just look at that adorable face and all of that pink and I can't help but look at that little pink blob thing. It's so cute!"

Ren started to scratch the pink blob on the chin, but that was when it growled and bit his finger as he yelped in pain and shook his hand until he stopped and held it.

"How's that for cute?" Michael teased until Asgore started laughing loudly.

"Oh, you think that was funny?" Ren glared at Asgore. "What would you say if I skinned you alive and turned your fur into a winter coat, huh?"

Asgore stopped laughing after hearing what Ren just said, his eyes wide with fear.

"Yeah, that's what I thought."

Suddenly, the room was silent until they all heard a knock on the door. Frisk hopped off the couch and started walking until she was at the door. As she got closer to the door, she opened it to find Ivor and Alphys at the door. She was going to greet them, but Ivor and Alphys entered the house without saying anything.

"Mom! Dad! Ivor and Alphys are here!" Frisk called, then closed the door and followed them.

In the living room, everyone just watched as Alphys, Ivor and Frisk walked into the room. Alphys and Ivor looked around until they have found the girl sitting down.

Ivor sighed. "There you are. We were worried that you would wreak havoc around this town. How were you able to escape?"

"Did I leave the door unlocked?" Alphys said with both her hands on her head.

"I am very sorry for this inconvenience. We'll be taking her now." Ivor was about to walk up to the girl, but was stopped by Clarissa.

"Oh, no you don't. No one is leaving until we figure out who that kid is." Clarissa said.

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