To Continue or Not

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It was only 6:25 and everyone inside Cole's house was having dinner. Since Cole didn't have any skills in cooking, they just ordered two boxes of pizza. Everyone at the table was talking and laughing while Betty was enjoying the taste of pizza in her mouth. She had never tried anything so savory in her entire existence. When no one could have another bite, Kumu just ate the leftover slices by eating the boxes and burping them out of his mouth, leaving them empty.

After that was done, Cole went out to throw away the boxes while the others were playing one of Cole's video games. Surprisingly, Betty had bested all of them despite her lack of knowledge in gaming. Kumu was even posing as her cheerleader. Ren, who was somewhat outraged, demanded a rematch against her. Betty, without hesitation, agreed and played another round before she won again.

"For someone who never played a video game before, you have skills." Ren said with a stoic expression that was mixed with a glare. "How?"

"I may have observed from Frisk." Betty replied with a shrug. "Oh, she was a beast."

"Yes, she was." Garnet said with a nod. "But I must warn you. Play a game with Saoirse and if she wins as least ten rounds, she will sound as if she is high on coffee."

"But I thought she doesn't speak."

"She does." Sunset said. "She just doesn't talk much unless if she has too."

"She must be a mystery." Betty raised an eyebrow and looked at the floor.

Meanwhile, Cole walked to the side of the road where his trash bins stand. He approached the blue recycling bin and threw the empty boxes into it. He let out a sigh and made his way back to the house. But before he could set foot on his porch, a voice startled him.

"So, how was your day?"

With a jump, Cole turned around to find Sans sitting on a tree stump. He raised an eyebrow at him. Specifically, at the expression the short skeleton was making. Sans looked calm. But at the same time, he looked disappointed. His arms were also crossed in front of his chest as well.

"Sans?" Cole said. "What are you doing here?"

"I just thought now would be a good time to pay you a visit." Sans explained, standing from the tree stump. "Just to check on how you were doing."

"I'm doing okay, Sans."

"You sure about that?" Sans raised an eyebrow.

"Look. I'm not sure what is causing you to make that face. But, I'm just going to assume that something is bothering you."

"Something is bothering me." Sans' current expression shifted into a glare. "You have been keeping secrets from me this whole time."

Cole's eyes widen. "What are you-"

"I already know one of them."


"Shut your darn mouth and listen up." The skeleton's voice grew dark and cold and his eye sockets went black.

Cole flinched, keeping his mouth shut as he cringed at Sans' behavior.

"Answer me honestly, Cole. Have you been training that kid behind my back?"

"You mean Michael? What's wrong with that?"

Sans blinked and his eyes widen. "I can see your answer. It's all over your face." He glared once again. "How could you? What were you thinking?!"

"Sans," Cole sighed. "Michael just wants to help us with our current situation. He's a courageous kid and I appreciate him for that. Though, he's kind of lacking the skills of a scythe wielder. But, what can I say? At least he's trying. I'm just being patient."

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