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You change like the moon.
One moment you are full,
Of life,
Then the next you are barely there,
A quarter of who you are.
I have learnt to accept,
Your empty silver gaze.
And enjoy your
Star filled eyes,
When the time came.
Because you are beautiful.
Every rough surface,
And smooth curve.

And I know you struggle.
With who you are,
And want to be.
I know you struggle,
With expectations,
And the fear of failing.
But I am here,
Loving you silently.
Until you are ready,
For me to love you out loud.
I'm ready to be bathed,
In your moonlight.
When the time comes.
It's okay,
I love you just as much,
In your quarters.
As I do in your,
Full Moon.

-Moon Boy

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