Chapter 53

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Dime POV

Everything felt  like it was going in slow motion. My heart was slowly breaking every second blood oozed from her wife. They called the ambulance but they couldn't get here faster. I then ripped off her shirt and turned her on her side "I refuse to let the 3 of you die, I'm gonna pull fragments out be prepared" With hand sanitize'r in my pocket I sanitized my hands and sanitized the area.I saw wear the bullet went and I counted to three as I stuck my index and thumb finger into her flesh . I wiggled my hand around and I felt where the bullet was lodged and started to tug at it the best I can. She was  groaning in pain. All I heard where whimpers and people scrambling everywhere. Her flesh was thick and it was tight around my fingers and since it was bleeding slippery. My fingers would pop out but I'd shove them back in and as if god was trying to tell me something I finally got the bullet out. I felt remaining fragments and I pulled those out to with tweezers Torrence gave  me. Someone gave me baggy and I put all the fragments and bullet in there . I ripped off my shirt and tore it into one long thick piece of string and wrapped it around Ash tightly but not so tight it'd hurt the babies and added pressure to the wound. As long as It sounds took take that bullet out it actually took less time , I rolled her on her back and she looked up at me. She still had her eyes closed but I felt her breathing. Not steadily , Not paced. Not fast, Not normal, But slow faint heart beats. 

Before I knew it the ambulance came and I used all my strength and picked up Ash bridal style and ran her to the truck where they already had the stretcher laid out. I gave them bag of tweezers and bullet and fragment. I laid her on the stretcher and they did the part. They put a breathing mask on there. And put her in the ambulance. As I was about to get in." Spouse or family only in here with the victim" the EMT Paramedic said

I don't know what happened all I know is I grabbed him by his collar and yanked him to me. "Bitch that's my wife move" I pushed him to the side and hopped in the ambulance. Everyone was staring "C'mon get to fixing  her and driving this muthafucka. or I could drive. I guarantee I'll get there faster." they shook their head and went to work and the truck pulled off in a hurry. 


I was in the hospital waiting for what seemed like forever  but It'd only been 30 minutes. Torrence, My mom, Ms.Krista, Klouse, Cree,Keh,Dez, Tai,Naomi, and Temper where there.When Klouse walked in I looked him in his eyes and they were bloodshot. He just found got to be in his daughter's life and is torn up by the fact she may not make it tonight. We looked at each other longer and I got up and walked to him and he had his arms out and he engulfed me in the most relieving and powerful hug I'd had in a while. Out of Ms.Krista and Klouse. I like Klouse the most. I felt more of a father figure I never had in that hug. It was reassuring, as if it was saying everything will be alright. We pulled away and he cupped my cheeks like I was little kid "We will get her back. She is strong. She will not leave us. Those babies will not leave us, trust me" he said and as on instant I believed him

Everyone was silent, waiting patiently. Nobody said a word or dared to speak a word. We sat in silence. We all had red eyes. Lola walked in with her little sister in her arms and she had red eye and she gave Ms.Krista the baby and sat by me. We said nothing to each other . She juat put her head on my shoulder and as I wrapped my arm around her. She has to be feeling this as hard as I am. Her and Ash were close. I mean they are sisters, but they bond was deeper than that. They didn't have to see or speak to each other everyday, but when the time comes they're willing to risk any and everything for each other. Just like I'd do for Ash and how Ash do for me

I heard the door open and it was Doctor "Wife of Ashley Parrish" I stood and quickly walked to him as did everyone else. He looked at them and looked at me silently asking if it's okay they know and I nodded and he let out sigh of relief

"You saved her. You pulled that bullet and those fragments with your bare hands. She was saved before she got in here. Ashley lost a lot of blood though, We had a donor blood and fixed that issue. She just needs some stitches and with all the pain we slipped her into medically induced coma. .I'd like for you Mrs.Parrish to come with me. Since you're not scared to get a little dirty you can watch the procedure. I'll explain everything that's going on and what we are doing. That sound good?" Dr.Bekhom asked and I nodded. She took me to the back room where Ash was.

"What about the twins." I asked and she frowned

"When Ash got in here she lost so much blood and that fall nearly killed the babies. She was aware when she got in. We told her that we had to do an emergency C-section and she said that was fine. She also told me to inform you after we finished up, and we are"She smiled and I nodded. I want to see them. Without question she pulled me out the room and I followed her toe Neonatal section and she pointed to the two babies in the incubators "They were premature by a month so they're going to be in there for a few more weeks, c'mon would you like to see them up close? You can hold them if you'd like just have to get clean" I shook my head no. I want to do this with Ash. I went over to where they were and watched them sleep. I told the Doctor to finish up fixing Ash as I watched my two beautiful babies sleep. I washed my hands and found hospital scrubs and found them and slipped them on. They have no name yet. I have yet to give them one.






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